Happy Valley Permanent Vegetation Plots
Walker, D.A., Auerbach, N.A., Nettleton, T.K., Gallant, A., Murphy, S.M. 1997. Happy Valley Permanent Vegetation Plots: Site factors, physical and chemical soil properties, plant species cover, photographs, soil descriptions, and ordination. Arctic System Science Flux Study, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.
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Appendix A. Field descriptions of soils
Plot Number: | HV-1 | |
Location: | Fluvial Terrace | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/18/94 | |
Sample Time: | 15:30 | |
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Stabilized alluvium, sands and cobbles | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Flat centered polygons | |
Elevation: | 900 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Dry Dryas integrifolia, Arctous rubra, Salix glauca, Lupinus arcticus, dwarf shrub, forb tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oa | 0-9 cm | Sample S-68 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2) silt. Weak, medium, subangular blocky breaking to moderate, fine, granular structure; 0% gravel; slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet); many very fine roots, common fine roots; abrupt, smooth boundary | ||
B | 9-41 cm | Sample S-69 | |
Very dark brown to gray brown (10 YR 3/1.5) sandy loam. Weak, medium, subangular blocky breaking to moderate, very fine, granular structure; 10% gravel; slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet); common fine roots; cobbles up to 15 cm concentrated at top of layer, also interspersed throughout layer. | ||
C | 41+ cm | no sample | |
cobble layer. Notes: thaw is greater than 41 cm, but cobble layer prohibits further digging or probing. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-2 | |
Location: | Second fluvial terrace nearer to road than runway. | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/18/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Alluvial sands, gravels, cobbles | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Irregular microrelief | |
Elevation: | 900 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Dry Dryas integrifolia, Lupinus arcticus, Rhododendron lapponicum, Cetraria cucullata, dwarf-shrub forb tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oa | 0-6 cm | Sample S-70 | |
Black (10YR 2/1) Silt. Weak, fine, subangular blocky structure; 0% gravel; slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet); many very fine roots, common fine roots; abrupt, wavy boundary. | ||
B | 6-26 cm | Sample S-71 | |
Very dark gray (10 YR 3/1) sandy loam. Moderate, medium, subangular blocky breaking to weak, fine, subangular blocky structure. <10% gravel; slightly sticky and slightly plastic consistence (wet); common fine roots, common medium roots; few cobbles (to 10 cm in diameter) in layer. | ||
C | 26+ cm | cobble layer. | |
Plot Number: | HV-3 | |
Location: | small pond, 100 m east of Dalton Highway, just north of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | S. Walker | |
Sample Date: | 7/21/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Pond organic | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Pond | |
Elevation: | 900 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Aquatic Comarum palustre, Sparganium hyperboreum, Calliergon giganteum, forb marsh | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-40 cm | Sample S-72 | |
Black (10 YR 2/2) fibric material consisting of roots of Sparganium hyperboreum. | ||
C | 40+ cm | No sample | |
Rocky, cobbley horizon, stream channel. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-4 | |
Location: | Floodplain, 150 m west of runway near Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/21/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Stabilized alluvium, sands and gravel | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Gently rolling or irregular microrelief | |
Elevation: | 900 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Moist Alnus viridis, Salix lanata, Equisetum arvense, Climacium dendroides, low-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oe | 0-4 cm | Sample S-73 | |
Very dark grayish brown to very dark brown (10YR 2.5/2) hemic material composed of stems and decomposing leaves and very fine roots; abrupt, smooth, boundary. | ||
A1 | 4-14 cm | Sample S-74 | |
Very dark grayish brown to very dark brown silt loam. Weak, fine, granular structure. 0% gravel; slightly sticky and slightly plastic consistence; many very fine and fine roots, many medium roots, common coarse roots; abrupt, smooth boundary. | ||
A2 | 14-21 cm | Sample S-75 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2) loam. Weak, medium, granular structure. 0% gravel; slightly sticky and slightly plastic consistence; common very fine, fine, and medium roots; abrupt, smooth boundary. | ||
B | 21-30 cm | Sample S-76 | |
Very dark grayish brown (10 YR 3/2) sandy loam. Weak, fine, subangular blocky structure. 0% gravel; slightly sticky and slightly plastic consistence; many very fine and fine roots, common medium roots; clear, wavy boundary. Notes: Indistinct banding of organic materials from flooding events apparent. | ||
C | 30-38+ | Sample S-77 | |
Very dark grayish brown (10YR 3/2) loamy sand. Weak, medium, granular structure. 0% gravel; nonsticky and nonplastic consistence (wet); common very fine and fine roots. | ||
permafrost | 38+ cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-5 | |
Location: | Floodplain on creek, very shrubby, 200 m west of runway, at bottom of hill below road. | |
Description by: | A. Gallant and N. Auerbach | |
Sample Date: | 7/21/94 | |
Sample Time: | 15:30 | |
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Stabilized alluvial sands and gravels | |
Geomorphic Surface: | irregular microrelief | |
Elevation: | 900 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Moist Alnus viridis, Salix lanata, Vaccinium vitis-idaea, low shrubland (riparian) | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-4 cm | Sample S-78 | |
Very dark grayish brown (10 YR 3/2) fibric material composed of litter (dead leaves) and roots (Alnus viridens, Betula nana); many fine and very fine roots, common medium roots; abrupt, smooth boundary. | ||
Oe | 4-15 cm | Sample S-79 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1) hemic material. 0% gravel, many fine and very roots, common medium roots; abrupt, smooth boundary. | ||
permafrost | 15 cm | | |
A | 15-20 cm | Sample S-86 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1) silt. Undetermined structure (frozen soil). 0% gravel; nonsticky and nonplastic consistence (wet); common medium and coarse roots, undetermined concentration of very fine and fine roots because of frozen consistence, possibly many very fine roots; abrupt, smooth boundary. | ||
B | 20-28+ cm | Sample S-81 | |
Dark gray (10 YR 4/1) loam. Weak, fine, subangular blocky breaking to moderate, fine, granular structure. 0% gravel; slightly sticky and slightly plastic consistence (wet); undetermined concentration of roots because of frozen consistence; common, fine yellowish red (5 YR 5/8) mottles | ||
Plot Number: | HV-6 | |
Location: | Fluvial Terrace, 100m west of runway just east across Dalton Highway from HV camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant and N. Auerbach | |
Sample Date: | 7/21/94 | |
Sample Time: | 14:31 | |
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Stabilized alluvium (sands and gravel) | |
Geomorphic Surface: | featureless, less than 20 frost scars | |
Elevation: | 900 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Dry Dryas integrifolia, Lupinus arcticus, Tomentypnum nitens, dwarf shrub, forb tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
surface moss | 0-0.5 cm | No sample | |
Abrupt, smooth boundary. | ||
Oa1 | 0.5-2 cm | Sample S-82 | |
Black (10YR 2/2). Less than 10% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Many fine and very fine roots and cobbles to 14 cm in diameter. | ||
A | 2-4 cm | Sample S-83 | |
(10YR 2.5/1). 75% gravel, nonsticky and slightly plastic consistence (wet). Silty loam texture with abrupt, smooth boundary. Many fine and very fine roots and cobbles to 14 cm in diameter. | ||
Oa2 | 4-6 cm | Sample S-84 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). 75% gravel, nonsticky, non plastic consistence (wet). Abrupt, smooth boundary. Many fine and very fine roots and cobbles to 14 cm in diameter. | ||
B2 | 6-30+ cm | Sample S-85 | |
Very dark gray (10YR 3/1). Weak, medium, granular structure with 75% gravel. Nonsticky, nonplastic consistence (wet); sandy loam texture with abrupt, smooth boundary. Common fine and very fine roots with cobbles to 21 cm in diameter. | ||
30+ cm | ||
very stony, didn't dig past this point, didn't reach permafrost | ||
Plot Number: | HV-7 | |
Location: | Happy Valley, river bar | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/18/94 | |
Sample Time: | 9:30 | |
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Alluvial gravels and sand | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Stony surface | |
Elevation: | 950 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Dry Epilobium latifolium, Hedysarum alpinum, Salix alaxensis, forb, barren tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
C | depth not measurable | Sample S-86 | |
Very dark gray-brown (2.5 YR 3/2). Gravel bar with cobbles up to 50 cm in diameter. Single grain structure; nonsticky, nonplastic consistence (wet). Sandy texture. Soil not described. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-8 | |
Location: | Happy Valley, river bar | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/18/94 | |
Sample Time: | 10:00 | |
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Alluvial gravels and sand | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Stony surface | |
Elevation: | 900 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Dry Castilleja caudata, Hedysarum alpinum, forb, barren tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
C | depth not measurable | Sample S-87 | |
Black (2.5 YR 2/2). Gravel bar with cobbles up to 50 cm in diameter. Single grain structure; nonsticky, nonplastic consistence (wet). Sandy texture. Soil not described. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-9 | |
Location: | Edge of pond by gravel pit | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/18/94 | |
Sample Time: | 10:45 | |
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Lacustrine organic deposits | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Featureless | |
Elevation: | 950 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Wet Carex saxatilis, Carex aquatilis, graminoid meadow | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oe | 0-14 cm | Sample S-88 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). Weak, medium, platy structure with 0% gravel. Nonsticky, nonplastic consistence (wet) with silky organic sand texture; abrupt, smooth boundary. 10% silt, 20% plant fibers after rubbing (sedge, roots, leaves) | ||
A1 | 14-25 cm | Sample S-89 | |
Very dark gray (10 YR 3/1). Massive structure with 0% gravel. Slightly sticky, nonplastic consistence (wet). Loamy sand texture with clear, smooth boundary. Many very fine roots. | ||
A2 | 25-47 cm | Sample S-90 | |
Black (5 YR 2.5/1). Weak, fine subangular blocky structure with 0% gravel. Slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet). Silty loam texture with many very fine roots. Permafrost boundary at 47 cm depth. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-10 | |
Location: | Fluvial terrace near old campsite | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/18/94 | |
Sample Time: | 12:00 | |
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Stabilized Alluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Featureless | |
Elevation: | 950 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Dry Dryas integrifolia, Arctous rubra, Rhododendron lapponicum, Lupinus arcticus, dwarf shrub, forb tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-2 cm | No sample | |
Abrupt, smooth boundary; dead leaves, loose stems. Layer too thin to sample | ||
Oa | 2-8 cm | Sample S-91 | |
Very dark brown (7.5 YR 2/2). Abrupt, wavy boundary; sapric organic with less than 2% fibers after rubbing. | ||
B1 | 8-18 cm | Sample S-92 | |
Mixed horizon with mottles and organic inclusions. Dark yellow-brown mottles (10 YR 4/6) from 0.5-1 cm, very dark gray-brown (10 YR 3/1.5) dominant matrix, black organic inclusions common 1-2 cm (10 YR 2/1). Weak, fine, subangular blocky structure with 0% gravel. Slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet); loam texture. Abrupt, smooth boundary; many fine roots. | ||
B2 | 18-30 cm | Sample S-93 | |
Very dark gray-brown (10 YR 3/2). Moderate, medium, subangular blocky structure breaking into moderate medium granular structure. Slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet). Loam texture with abrupt, smooth boundary; few very fine roots. | ||
B3 | 30-47 cm | Sample S-94 | |
Very dark gray (10 YR 3/1). Weak, medium subangular blocky structure. Nonsticky, nonplastic consistence (wet); sand texture. | ||
Cobble layer | 47+ cm | No sample | |
Plot Number: | HV-11 | |
Location: | Floodplain, dry scrub area | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/18/94 | |
Sample Time: | 14:00 | |
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Stabilized Alluvium (sands and gravels) | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Gently rolling or irregular microrelief | |
Elevation: | 950 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Dry Salix alaxensis, Shepherdia canadensis, Arctous rubra, tall shrubland (riparian) | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
O | 0-2 cm | No sample | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2). 0% gravel with abrupt, smooth boundary. Live moss, plant litter, many very fine roots, many fine roots, many medium roots. | ||
A | 2-6 cm | Sample S-95 | |
Very dark gray (10 YR 3/1). Moderate, fine, granular structure with 0% gravel. Slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet). Sandy loam texture with abrupt, smooth boundary. Common fine roots, many very fine roots, common medium roots. | ||
C1 | 6-9 cm | No sample | |
Black (5 YR 2.5/1.5). Single grain structure. Nonsticky, nonplastic consistence (wet). Sandy texture with abrupt, wavy boundary. Many very fine roots, common fine roots, common medium roots. Layer too thin to sample. | ||
C2 | 9-73 cm | Sample S-96 | |
Very dark gray-brown ( 2.5 YR 3/2). Weak, medium, subangular blocky structure breaks into moderate, fine granular. Slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet). Sandy loam texture with many very fine rocks, many fine roots, common medium roots, common coarse roots. | ||
Permafrost | 73 cm | No sample | |
Plot Number: | HV-12 | |
Location: | Water track on shoulder of bluff over looking Sag. river; 2 km south of HV camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/19/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Undifferentiated hillslope colluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Well-developed hillslope water track | |
Elevation: | 1050 ft | |
Slope: | 15° | |
Aspect: | E | |
Vegetation: | Wet Salix planifolia, Petasites frigidus, Equisetum arvense, low-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oe | 0-21 cm | Sample S-97 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). Massive structure with 0% gravel. Loam texture with abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed of sedge, sedge roots, willow roots with many very fine, fine, medium and coarse roots. Red mottles - few and large in Oe layer (7.5 YR 3/3) | ||
O/B | 21-40+ cm | Sample S-98 | |
O | ||
Black ( 10 YR 2/1). Massive structure with 0% gravel. Slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet). Loam texture. | ||
B | ||
Very dark gray-brown (10 YR 3/2). Massive structure with 0% gravel. Slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet). Silty loam texture. | ||
Permafrost | 40 cm | No sample | |
Plot Number: | HV-13 | |
Location: | Bluff overlooking Sag. river; 1/3 mile north of access road | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/19/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Colluvium and glacial till | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Gelifluction lobes | |
Elevation: | 1000 ft | |
Slope: | 30° | |
Aspect: | E | |
Vegetation: | Moist Salix glauca, Salix lanata, Arctous rubra, Lupinus arcticus, Hylocomium splendens, forb, low-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-2 cm | No sample | |
Oe | 2-8 cm | Sample S-100 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1) | ||
Oa/B | 8-22 cm | Samples S-99, S-101, S-102 | |
Oa | ||
Black (10 YR 2/1). Weak, fine, subangular blocky structure with 50% gravel. Nonsticky, nonplastic consistence (wet). Silty texture with clear, wavy boundaries. Many fine roots, common very fine roots, few medium roots. | ||
B | ||
Very dark gray-brown (10 YR 3/2). Weak, fine, subangular blocky structure with 50% gravel. Slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet). Silty loam texture with clear, wavy boundaries. Many fine roots, common very fine roots, few medium roots. | ||
B | 22-40+ cm | No sample | |
Very dark gray-brown (10 YR 3/2). Weak, fine, subangular blocky structure that breaks to weak, very fine, granular structure. 75% gravel; slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet). Silty loam texture | ||
Plot Number: | HV-14 | |
Location: | Floodplain of Sag. river, .3 miles north of access road | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/19/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Active alluvial sands and gravels | |
Geomorphic Surface: | stony surface | |
Elevation: | 950 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Dry Salix alaxensis, Castilleja caudata, Hedysarum alpinum, low-shrub, forb tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
C | Sample S-103 | |
Very dark gray-brown (2.5 YR 3/2). Sample is surface sand. Surface is composed of sands, gravels, and cobbles up to 40 cm in diameter. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-15 | |
Location: | Bluff overlooking Sag. river north of access road, 2 km south of the Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/19/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Glacial till, undifferentiated. hillslope colluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Gelifluction lobes | |
Elevation: | 1000 ft | |
Slope: | 30° | |
Aspect: | E | |
Vegetation: | Moist Salix lanata, Salix glauca, Arctous rubra, Abietinella abietina, low-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-2 cm | Sample S-104 | |
Dark brown (7.5 YR 3/2). Abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed of moss (e.g. Abietinella abietina), many very fine and fine roots. | ||
Oe | 2-10 cm | Sample S-105 | |
Dark red-brown (5 YR 2.5/1.5). Abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed of moss (e.g. Abietinella abietina), many very fine and fine roots. | ||
Oa/B | 10-37 cm | Sample S-106 | |
Oa | ||
Black (10 YR 2/1). Weak, fine, subangular blocky structure with 25% gravel. Nonsticky, nonplastic consistence (wet). Silty texture. | ||
B | ||
Very dark gray-brown (10 YR 3/2). Weak, fine, subangular blocky structure with 25% gravel. Slightly sticky, plastic consistence (wet). Clay loam texture. | ||
B | 37+ cm | Sample S-107 | |
Dark brown (10 YR 3/3). Weak, fine, subangular blocky structure. 25% gravel; slightly sticky, plastic consistence (wet). Clay loam texture; deeper soil description prevented by rocks. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-16 | |
Location: | Rocky floodplain of Sag. river, north of access road, 2 km south of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/19/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Active alluvial sands and gravels | |
Geomorphic Surface: | stony surface | |
Elevation: | 1000 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Dry Castilleja caudata, Hedysarum alpinum, Salix alaxensis, forb tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
C | Sample S-108 | |
Very dark gray-brown (2.5 YR 3/2). Surface to unknown depth is sands, gravels and cobbles up to 30 cm in diameter. Sample taken of surface sands. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-17 | |
Location: | Snowbed in bluff overlooking Sag. River, south of access road | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/19/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Undifferentiated hillslope alluvium and glacial till | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Gelifluction features | |
Elevation: | 950 ft | |
Slope: | 30° | |
Aspect: | E | |
Vegetation: | Moist Dryas integrifolia, Cassiope tetragona, Lupinus arcticus, dwarf shrub, forb tundra (snowbed) | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-2 cm | No sample | |
Layer too thin to sample. Composed of moss Tomentypnum nitens. | ||
Oe | 2-4 cm | No sample | |
Very dark brown (7.5 YR 2/2). Nonsticky, nonplastic consistence (wet); abrupt, wavy boundary. Layer too thin to sample. | ||
Oa | 4-9 cm | Sample S-109 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). Moderate, fine, subangular blocky structure that breaks to moderate, fine, granular structure. Silty texture with clear, wavy boundary. Many very fine to fine roots. | ||
A/B | 9-35 cm | Sample S-110 | |
A and B horizons are mixing in this layer probably due to downslope movement. Rocks showing buildup of carbonates on undersides. | ||
A | ||
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2). Weak, fine, subangular blocky structure that breaks to moderate, fine granular structure. 25% gravel. Slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet); sandy loam texture. Many fine to very fine roots. | ||
B | ||
Brown (10 YR 4.5/3). Weak, very fine, subangular blocky structure that breaks to moderate, fine, granular structure. 25% gravel. Sticky, plastic consistence (wet); clay loam texture. | ||
C | 35+ cm | Sample S-111 | |
Very dark gray-brown to brown (10 YR 2.5/2). Weak, medium, granular structure with greater than 75% gravel. Slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet); clay loam texture. Depth undetermined because there were too many rocks to dig further. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-18 | |
Location: | Floodplain south of access road | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/19/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Stabilized alluvium sand | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Irregular microrelief | |
Elevation: | 950 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Moist Salix alaxensis, Salix lanata, Equisetum arvense, Hedysarum alpinum, low-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-1 cm | No sample | |
Layer too thin to sample, composed of moss (Campylium stellatum) | ||
Oe | 1-5 cm | No sample | |
Very dark gray-brown to brown (10 YR 2.5/2). Abrupt, smooth boundary; primarily moss. Layer too thin to sample. Deposition of 1 cm thick layer of silt at the top of this layer (from flood) (10 YR 3/1). | ||
Bw | 5-68 cm | Sample S-112 | |
(10 YR 3/1). Massive structure with 0% gravel. Slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet); sandy loam texture with many very fine to fine roots. | ||
Permafrost | 68 cm | No sample | |
Plot Number: | HV-19 | |
Location: | East-facing river bluff of Sag. River; about 2 km south of Happy Valley Camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/19/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Colluvium with glacial till | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Gelifluction lobes | |
Elevation: | 950 ft | |
Slope: | 30° | |
Aspect: | E | |
Vegetation: | Dry Salix glauca, Arctous rubra, Festuca altaica, Hedysarum alpinum, Abietinella abietina, shrubland | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-6 cm | No sample | |
Clear, wavy boundary. Layer composed of dead leaves, woody stems, and dead mosses. | ||
Oa/A | 6-44 cm | Sample S-113 | |
Because of downslope movement of materials, this layer is a mix of soils from two horizons. Many very fine, fine, medium and coarse roots. | ||
O | ||
Dark red-brown (5 YR 2.5/2). Abrupt, wavy boundary. Too much organic material to classify structure and consistence. | ||
A | ||
Very dark gray (10 YR 3/1). Weak, very fine, subangular blocky structure breaks to weak, very fine, granular structure; 25% gravel. Nonsticky, nonplastic consistence (wet) with loamy sand texture | ||
C | 44-76+ cm | Sample S-114 | |
Very dark gray-brown (10 YR 3/2). Weak, very fine, subangular blocky structure breaks to weak, very fine, granular structure; 75% gravel. Slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet) with sandy clay texture. Many very fine and fine roots. Rocks prevent any deeper soil description. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-20 | |
Location: | Hillcrest of toposequence; about 1 km north of Happy Valley Camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/20/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | ||
Geomorphic Surface: | Featureless | |
Elevation: | 1000 ft | |
Slope: | 2° | |
Aspect: | N | |
Vegetation: | Moist Sphagnum sp., Hylocomium splendens, Eriophorum vaginatum, Betula nana, tussock-graminoid, dwarf-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-6 cm | Sample S-115 | |
Yellow brown (10 YR 5/8). Abrupt, smooth boundary. Loose mat of mosses including Aulacomnium turgidum. Very fine sedge roots. | ||
Oe | 6-14 cm | Sample S-116 | |
Dark brown (7.5 YR 3/4). Abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed of compressed mat of and sedge roots. | ||
Oa | 14-26 cm | Sample S-117 | |
(10 YR 2/2). Abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed of decomposed mosses and sedge roots. | ||
Permafrost | 26 cm | | |
Bs | 26-28 cm | Sample S-118 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 3/4). Massive structure with 0% gravel. Sticky, plastic consistence (wet). Silty clay loam texture with abrupt, smooth boundary. Has humic layer at top. Difficult to get pure sample without contamination from Bw layer. | ||
Bw | 28+ cm | Sample S-119 | |
Dark gray-brown (2.5 YR 4/2). Massive structure with 0% gravel. Sticky, plastic consistence (wet). Silty clay loam texture. Hard to get sample without contamination from Bs layer. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-21 | |
Location: | Shoulder of toposequence; about 1 km north of Happy Valley Camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/20/94 | |
Sample Time: | 11:15 | |
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | hillslope colluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | featureless | |
Elevation: | 1000 ft | |
Slope: | 7° | |
Aspect: | N | |
Vegetation: | Moist Hylocomium splendens, Carex bigelowii, Eriophorum vaginatum, Salix planifolia, tussock-graminoid, dwarf-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-4 cm | Sample S-120 | |
(10 YR 5/4). Abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed of a loose mat of Sphagnum and sedge roots. | ||
Oe | 4-12 cm | Sample S-123 | |
Dark brown (7.5 YR 3/2). Abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed of decomposing Sphagnum and sedge roots. | ||
Oa | 12-20 cm | Sample S-121 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). Abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed of decomposing Sphagnum and sedge roots. | ||
Bw | 20+ cm | Sample S-122 | |
Very dark gray-brown (10 YR 3/2). Massive structure with less than 10% gravel; 1 piece up to 2 cm in diameter. Sticky, plastic consistence (wet). Silty clay loam texture; common fine mottles in top 1 cm of layer (7.5 YR 4/6). | ||
permafrost | 20 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-22 | |
Location: | Side slope of toposequence; about 1 km north of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/20/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Colluvium and till | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Gelifluction lobes | |
Elevation: | 975 ft | |
Slope: | 20° | |
Aspect: | N | |
Vegetation: | Moist Cassiope tetragona, Dryas integrifolia, Salix glauca, Betula nana, Vaccinium uliginosum, Drepanocladus sp., Hylocomium splendens, Ptilidium ciliare, dwarf-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oe | 0-2 cm | No sample | |
Black (10 YR 2/2). Composed of slightly compressed leaf litter, mosses (Drepanocladus uncinatus, Ptilidium ciliare) and fine roots. | ||
Oa | 2-7 cm | Sample S-124 | |
Black (5 YR 2.5/1.5). Less than 10% gravel. Highly decomposed. | ||
A | 7-12 cm | Sample S-125 | |
Black (5 YR 2.5/1.5). Weak, fine, subangular blocky structure breaks into weak, very fine granular structure; less than 10% gravel. Slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet). Silty loam texture. | ||
B | 12-42+ cm | Sample S-126 | |
Dark gray-brown (10 YR 4/2). Weak, fine, subangular blocky structure breaks into weak, very fine granular structure; 25% gravel. Sticky, plastic consistence (wet) with loam texture. Mottles are common and fine in size. | ||
Permafrost | 86 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-23 | |
Location: | Footslope of north-facing toposequence, 1 km north of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/20/94 | |
Sample Time: | 13:45 | |
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Hillslope colluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Gelifluction lobes | |
Elevation: | 950 ft | |
Slope: | 5° | |
Aspect: | N | |
Vegetation: | Moist Dryas integrifolia, Equisetum arvense, Salix glauca, horsetail, low-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-4 cm | Sample S-127 | |
(10 YR 2/2). Abrupt, smooth boundary; comprised of loose mat of moss, primarily Tomentypnum nitens and Equisetum arvense and roots. | ||
Oe | 4-8 cm | Sample S-128 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/1.5). Abrupt, smooth boundary; comprised of decomposing roots and mosses. About 25% fiber after rubbing. | ||
Oa | 8-16 cm | Sample S-129 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). Abrupt, smooth boundary; less than 5% fiber content after rubbing. | ||
Bw | 16-40 cm | Sample S-130 | |
Dark gray-very dark gray (10 YR 4.5/1). Massive structure with 10% gravel. Where there are concentrations of organic matter the structure is moderate, fine and granular. Sticky, plastic consistence (wet); clay loam texture. Many very fine, common fine, few medium roots. Gravel and cobbles up to 10 cm in diameter concentrated in top of layer but spread throughout common, fine, distinct mottles. Mottles are yellowish-brown (10 YR 5/6). | ||
Permafrost | 40 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-24 | |
Location: | Toeslope of toposequence; about 1 km north of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/20/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Stabilized fine-textured alluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Floodplain | |
Elevation: | 950 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Moist Salix lanata, Equisetum arvense, Petasites frigidus, Dodecatheon frigidum, Climacium dendroides, low-shrub tundra (riparian) | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oe | 0-5 cm | Sample S-131 | |
Very dark gray (10 YR 3/1). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed of decomposing mosses (e.g. Climacium dendroides, Tomentypnum nitens, and very fine roots intermixed with silt. | ||
A | 5-37 cm | Sample S-132 | |
Very dark gray-brown (10 YR 3/2). Weak, medium, granular structure with 0% gravel. Slightly sticky and plastic consistence (wet). Sandy loam texture. Flooding events indicated by deposits of higher concentrations of organic materials; black (10 YR 2/3). Two distinct bands occur from 22-24 cm and 32-34 cm. Many very fine and fine roots, common medium roots. | ||
Permafrost | 37 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-25 | |
Location: | Shrubby floodplain, base of southern facing toposequence 1 km north of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | N. Auerbach and A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/20/94 | |
Sample Time: | 16:15 | |
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Stabilized fine-grained alluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Irregular microrelief | |
Elevation: | 950 ft | |
Slope: | <5° | |
Aspect: | S | |
Vegetation: | Moist Betula nana, Petasites frigidus, Sphagnum squarrosum, low-shrub tundra (riparian) | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oe | 0-8 cm | Sample S-133 | |
(10 YR 2/1). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundaries. Comprised of some moss and roots and woody debris from Salix and Betula. Many very fine, fine and medium roots; common coarse roots. | ||
A | 8-21+ cm | Sample S-134 | |
(10 YR) 3.5/2). Weak, medium granular structure with 0% gravel. Slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet). Loam texture. Many very fine, fine and medium roots; common coarse roots. | ||
Permafrost | 21 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-26 | |
Location: | Toposequence 1 km north of Happy Valley camp and about 400 m west of Haul road | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/24/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Hillslope colluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Featureless | |
Elevation: | 1000 ft | |
Slope: | <5° | |
Aspect: | S | |
Vegetation: | Moist Eriophorum vaginatum, Betula nana, Sphagnum girgensohnii, tussock-graminoid, dwarf-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi1 | 0-14 cm | Sample S-135 | |
Dark yellow-brown (10 YR 4/6). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Top 7 cm consist mostly of live moss (Sphagnum). | ||
Oi2 | 14-20 cm | Sample S-136 | |
Black to very dark brown (10 YR 2/1.5). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Many fine to medium roots. Composed mainly of moss (e.g. Sphagnum ) and secondarily of roots. | ||
Oe | 20-28 cm | Sample S-137 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed primarily of roots and secondarily of mosses. Many fine and medium roots. Coarse roots common. | ||
Permafrost | 26 cm | | |
Bw | 28+ cm | Sample S-138 | |
Very dark gray-brown to dark brown (10 YR 3/2.5). Massive structure with 0% gravel. Sticky, plastic consistence (wet); clay loam texture. Many very fine roots. About 50% ice. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-27 | |
Location: | Toposequence 1 km north of Happy Valley camp and about 400 m west of Haul road | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/24/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Hillslope colluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Featureless | |
Elevation: | 1000 ft | |
Slope: | 5° | |
Aspect: | S | |
Vegetation: | Moist Betula nana, Salix planifolia, Eriophorum vaginatum, Sphagnum angustifolium, Aulacomnium turgidum, dwarf-shrub, tussock-graminoid tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi1 | 0-8 cm | Sample S-139 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/3). 0% gravel. Top 2 cm consist of loose mat of live moss and Aulacomnium turgidum). | ||
Oi2 | 8-14 cm | Sample S-140 | |
Dark yellow-brown (10 YR 2/4). 0% gravel. Composed mainly of fine and very fine roots. Many medium roots. | ||
Oe | 14-21 cm | Sample S-141 | |
Dark brown (10 YR 3/3). 0% gravel. Composed mainly of Sphagnum and Aulacomnium mosses. Many very fine and fine roots. | ||
Oa | 21-29 cm | Sample S-142 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1) 0% gravel. Abrupt, smooth boundary; many very fine and fine roots. | ||
Permafrost | 23 cm | | |
Bw | 29+ cm | Sample S-143 | |
Gray (10 YR 5/1). Massive structure with 0% gravel. Clay loam texture. Many medium sized, yellow brown mottles (10 YR 5/8). Lenses of ice 1-2 mm thick occur within this frozen layer. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-28 | |
Location: | Sideslope of toposequence; 1 km north of Happy Valley camp and about 400 m west of Haul road | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/24/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | ||
Geomorphic Surface: | Featureless | |
Elevation: | 1050 ft | |
Slope: | <5° | |
Aspect: | S | |
Vegetation: | Moist Eriophorum vaginatum, Betula nana, Aulacomnium turgidum, Hylocomium splendens, Sphagnum sp., dwarf-shrub, tussock-graminoid tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-13 cm | Sample S-144 | |
Dark yellow-brown (10 YR 3/4). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Top 7 cm comprised of live moss layer (e.g. , Aulacomnium turgidum). Color and bulk density sample are from 7-13 cm depth; mainly composed of roots, many fine and very fine roots. | ||
Oe | 13-19 cm | Sample S-145 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Mostly composed of roots and sedge parts. Many very fine, fine roots and common coarse roots. | ||
Oa | 19-25 cm | Sample S-146 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Many very fine and fine roots. | ||
Bw | 25+ cm | Sample S-147 | |
Dark gray-brown (10 YR 4/2). 0% gravel. Sticky, plastic consistence (wet). Silty clay loam texture. Layer includes strong brown, medium size mottles (7.5 YR 4/6). Common very fine foots. | ||
Permafrost | 25 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-29 | |
Location: | Hillside toposequence; 1 km north of Happy Valley camp and about 400 m west of Haul road | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/24/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Hillslope colluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Featureless | |
Elevation: | 1050 ft | |
Slope: | <5° | |
Aspect: | S | |
Vegetation: | Moist Eriophorum vaginatum, Betula nana, Sphagnum sp., Aulacomnium turgidum, tussock-graminoid, dwarf-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-10 cm | Sample S-148 | |
Brown-yellow (10 YR 6/6). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed mainly of Sphagnum. | ||
Oe | 10-16 cm | Sample S-149 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). 0% gravel; clear, smooth boundary. Composed mainly of roots, moss and deciduous leaves. Many very fine roots, medium roots common. | ||
Oa | 16-19 cm | Sample S-150 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Many very fine roots and medium roots, fine roots are common. | ||
Bw | 19-26+ cm | Sample S-151 | |
Gray (10 YR 5/1). Massive structure with 0% gravel. Very sticky, very plastic consistence (wet); Silty clay texture. Many large dark yellow-brown mottles (10 YR 3/4). Many very fine roots and fine roots are common. | ||
Permafrost | 26 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-30 | |
Location: | North hillslope crest of toposequence; 1 km north of Happy Valley camp and about 400 m west of Haul road | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/24/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Hillslope colluvium and till | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Featureless | |
Elevation: | 1000 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Moist Carex bigelowii, Eriophorum vaginatum, Betula nana, Petasites frigidus, Arctagrostis latifolia, Hylocomium splendens, Sphagnum sp., tussock-graminoid, dwarf-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi1 | 0-10 cm | Sample S-152 | |
Black to very dark brown (10 YR 2/1.5). Abrupt, smooth boundary. Top 6 cm composed of moss (Aulacomnium turgidum), lichens and roots. | ||
Oi2 | 10-18 cm | Sample S-153 | |
Strong brown (7.5 YR 4/6). Abrupt, smooth boundary. Many very fine roots, fine roots common. Mainly composed of Sphagnum moss. | ||
Oa | 18-21 cm | Sample S-154 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). Abrupt, smooth boundary. Many very fine and medium roots. Fine roots common. | ||
Bw | 21+ cm | Sample S-155 | |
Gray (10 YR 5/1). Massive structure with less than 10% gravel. Sticky, plastic consistence (wet). Silty clay loam texture | ||
Permafrost | 21 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-31 | |
Location: | Hillslope about 300 m west of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/26/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Hillslope colluvium and till | |
Geomorphic Surface: | ||
Elevation: | 1000 ft | |
Slope: | 4° | |
Aspect: | E | |
Vegetation: | Moist Carex bigelowii, Tomentypnum nitens, Dryas integrifolia, Salix glauca, Cetraria cucullata, graminoid, dwarf-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-10 cm | Sample S-156 | |
Strong brown (7.5 YR 4/6). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed mainly of mosses (Aulacomnium turgidum) but also leaves and roots. Top 1 cm is moss. | ||
Oa | 10-19 cm | Sample S-157 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Many very fine roots and coarse roots are common. | ||
Bw | 19-36+ cm | Sample S-158 | |
Dark gray-brown (10 YR 4.5/2). For some patches gray (10 YR 5/1) is the original color of the layer before decomposition of organics and gravel (gravel oxidation responsible for mottles). Enough decomposition has occurred that predominant horizon color is (10 YR 4.5/2) as already listed. Less than 10% gravel; sticky plastic consistence (wet). Silty clay loam texture. Many very fine roots, cobbles up to 3 cm in diameter. Large, strong brown (7.5 YR 4/6) mottles are common. They are diffuse due to a mixing with surrounding material. | ||
Permafrost | 36 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-32 | |
Location: | Top of hill 500 m southwest of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/26/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Colluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Featureless | |
Elevation: | 1050 ft | |
Slope: | 1°-2° | |
Aspect: | W | |
Vegetation: | Moist Eriophorum vaginatum, Betula nana, Ledum palustre ssp. decumbens, Ledum palustre, Sphagnum angustifolium, tussock-graminoid, dwarf-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-11 cm | Sample S-159 | |
Dark yellow-brown (10 YR 4/5). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed mainly of Sphagnum. Top 6 cm is composed of live material; layer is a loose mat. | ||
Oe | 11-25 cm | Sample S-160 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed of roots and sedge parts, many very fine and fine roots. medium roots are common. | ||
Permafrost | 23 cm | | |
Bw | 25+ cm | Sample S-161 | |
Gray-brown to dark gray-brown (10 YR 4.5/2 and 2.5 YR 4.5/2). Can't determine structure due to frozen nature of soil and when thawed it is too wet. Between 10 and 25% gravel; sticky, plastic consistence (wet). Silty clay loam texture. Cobbles up to 20 cm in diameter, very fine roots. Dark yellow-brown mottles (10 YR 3/6). | ||
Plot Number: | HV-33 | |
Location: | Water track transect about 500 m southwest of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/26/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | ||
Geomorphic Surface: | Palso | |
Elevation: | 1050 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Moist Betula nana, Rubus chamaemorus, Ledum palustre, Ledum palustre ssp. decumbens, Sphagnum sp., dwarf shrub, moss tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-9 cm | Sample S-162 | |
Dark yellow-brown (10 YR 3/4). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed mainly of mosses (Sphagnum). Loose mat; top 4 cm are live material. | ||
Oe1 | 9-14 cm | Sample S-163 | |
Dark brown (7.5 YR 4/4). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Many fine and very fine roots; common medium roots. Composed mainly of Sphagnum mosses, roots. More compression than Oi layer. | ||
Oe2 | 14-23 cm | Sample S-164 | |
Very dark brown to black (10 YR 2/1.5). 0% gravel. Composed mainly of sedge parts. Also roots and mosses. More compression than Oe1 layer; can peel this layer apart in sheets. Many very fine roots. | ||
Permafrost | 23 cm | | |
Bw | 23+ cm | Sample S-165 | |
(10 YR 3/2). Weak, fine, subangular blocky structure with 0% gravel. Sticky, plastic consistence (wet). Silty clay loam texture. Many very fine roots. No mottles. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-34 | |
Location: | Water track transect about 500 m southwest of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/26/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Fine-grained alluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | well-developed water track | |
Elevation: | 1025 ft | |
Slope: | <5° (about 1°) | |
Aspect: | NE | |
Vegetation: | Wet Eriophorum angustifolium, Betula nana, Sphagnum squarrosum, graminoid, dwarf-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-7 cm | Sample S-166 | |
Dark yellow-brown (10 YR 3/6). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed of Sphagnum moss. | ||
Oa1 | 7-14 cm | Sample S-167 | |
Dark brown (10 YR 3/3). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Many very fine and fine roots. Medium roots common. This layer is very silty, as if a flood event deposited silt all at once. | ||
Oa2 | 14-33 cm | Sample S-168 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Many fine and very fine roots. Medium roots common. | ||
Bw | 33-51+ cm | Sample S-169 | |
Dark brown (10 YR 3/3). Weak, very fine, granular structure with 0% gravel. Sticky, plastic consistence (wet). Silty clay loam texture. Many very fine roots and common fine roots. | ||
Permafrost | 51 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-35 | |
Location: | Water track transect about 500 m south west of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/27/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Fine grained alluvium and organic material | |
Geomorphic Surface: | High feature in a water track (Palsa?) | |
Elevation: | 1000 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Moist Betula nana, Ledum palustre ssp. decumbens, Ledum palustre, Rubus chamaemorus, Aulacomnium turgidum, dwarf-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-5 cm | Sample S-170 | |
Brown to yellow-brown (10 YR 5/3.5). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Top 2 cm are live material. Composed mainly of mosses. | ||
Oe1 | 5-12 cm | Sample S-171 | |
Dark brown (7.5 YR 3/4). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Many very fine and fine roots; medium roots are common. Composed of roots and woody stem parts. | ||
Oe2 | 12-18 cm | Sample S-172 | |
Very dark brown (7.5 YR 2/4). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Many very fine roots, medium and fine roots are common. Composed of roots and woody stem materials. More silt in this layer than in Oe1. | ||
Oa | 18-25 cm | Sample S-173 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Almost enough mineral component to be an A horizon, but organics still dominate. Many very fine roots and fine roots are common. | ||
Bw | 25-28+ cm | Sample S-174 | |
Dark gray-brown (10 YR 4/2). Weak, very fine, subangular blocky structure with 0% gravel. Sticky, plastic consistence (wet). Silty clay loam texture. Many very fine roots, no mottles. | ||
Permafrost | 25 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-36 | |
Location: | Water track transect about 500 m southwest of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/27/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Fine-grained alluvium and organic material from colluvial basin | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Raised area (island) in water track | |
Elevation: | 1000 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Moist Betula nana, Sphagnum angustifolium, Sphagnum warnstorfii, low-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi1 | 0-10 cm | Sample S-175 | |
Yellow-brown to dark yellow brown (10 YR 4.5/4). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Top 5 cm are live mosses (Sphagnum). Many very fine roots, medium and fine roots are common. Slightly compressed mat of Sphagnum and some roots. | ||
Oe1 | 10-15 cm | Sample S-176 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Mainly composed of roots. Also has Sphagnum and sedge parts. Many very fine and fine roots. Medium roots common. | ||
Oi2 | 15-17 cm | Sample S-177 | |
Dark yellow brown (10 YR 3/6). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Sphagnum moss with many very fine and fine roots. | ||
Oe2 | 17-22 cm | Sample S-178 | |
Dark brown (10 YR 3/3). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed of roots and sedge parts. Many very fine roots, fine roots are common. | ||
A2 | 22-28+ cm | Sample S-179 | |
Very dark gray-brown (10 YR 3/2). Weak, very fine granular and subangular blocky structures present; 0% gravel. Sticky, plastic consistence (wet). Silty loam texture; many very fine roots, fine roots common. | ||
Permafrost | 22 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-37 | |
Location: | Water track transect about 500 m southwest of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/27/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Fine grained alluvium and organic material | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Water track | |
Elevation: | 1050 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Wet Carex aquatilis, Eriophorum angustifolium, Salix planifolia, Sphagnum squarrosum, Sphagnum angustifolium, Betula nana, graminoid, low-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-7 cm | Sample S-180 | |
Dark yellow-brown (10 YR 4/5). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Mainly Sphagnum moss. Top 4 cm are live material. Many very fine roots; fine and medium roots are common. | ||
Oe | 7-16 cm | Sample S-181 | |
Dark brown (7.5 YR 3/3). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Mainly roots plus mosses, sedges and woody stems. Many very fine and fine roots; medium roots common. | ||
Oa | 16-28 cm | Sample S-182 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Many very fine roots. Fine roots common. | ||
Bw | 28-55+ cm | Sample S-183 | |
Dark brown (10 YR 3/3). Weak, very fine granular and subangular blocky structures exhibited. 0% gravel. Sticky, plastic consistence (wet). Silty clay loam texture. Very fine roots common; no mottles. | ||
Permafrost | 55 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-38 | |
Location: | Water track transect about 500 m southwest of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/27/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | ||
Geomorphic Surface: | "Island" (raised area in water track) | |
Elevation: | 1050 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Moist Betula nana, Rubus chamaemorus, Aulacomnium turgidum, Sphagnum angustifolium, dwarf-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi1 | 0-7 cm | Sample S-184 | |
Dark yellow-brown (10 YR 4/4). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Top 2 cm are live material. Many very fine roots. Coarse roots are common, medium roots are very common. Composed of Sphagnum moss. | ||
Oi2 | 7-13 cm | Sample S-185 | |
Dark brown (10 YR 3/3). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed mainly of Sphagnum, but also of roots. Many very fine and fine roots. Coarse roots common as well as medium roots. | ||
Oe | 13-18 cm | Sample S-186 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed of roots and sedge parts. Many very fine and fine roots. | ||
Oa | 18-24 cm | Sample S-187 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Many very fine and fine roots. | ||
Permafrost | 23 cm | | |
Bw | 24+ cm | Sample S-188 | |
Very dark gray-brown (10 YR 3/2). Massive structure with 0% gravel. Sticky, very plastic consistence (wet). Clay loam texture. Few fine, brown to dark brown mottles (7.5 YR 4/4). Lots of sedge parts decomposing in this layer. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-39 | |
Location: | Water track transect about 500 m southwest of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/27/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Hillslope colluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Featureless | |
Elevation: | 1050 ft | |
Slope: | 1°-2° | |
Aspect: | E | |
Vegetation: | Moist Eriophorum vaginatum, Betula nana, Sphagnum sp., tussock-graminoid, dwarf-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-11 cm | Sample S-189 | |
Dark yellow-brown (10 YR 3.5/6). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. top 2 cm are live material. Composed mainly of a loose mat of Sphagnum. Very fine roots common. | ||
Oe | 11-26 cm | Sample S-190 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Mainly composed of sedge parts. Also roots and leaves. Many very fine roots, fine roots are common. | ||
Permafrost | 25 cm | | |
Bw | 26+ cm | Sample S-191 | |
Dark gray (10 YR 4/1). 0% gravel; sticky, very plastic consistence (wet). Clay loam texture. Many large, strong brown mottles (7.5 YR 4/6). | ||
Plot Number: | HV-40 | |
Location: | Water track transect about 600 m southwest of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/27/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Fine grained alluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Island (raised area) in water track | |
Elevation: | 1025 ft | |
Slope: | <5° (1° - 2°) | |
Aspect: | NE | |
Vegetation: | Moist Betula nana, Ledum palustre ssp. decumbens, Ledum palustre, Rubus chamaemorus, Aulacomnium turgidum, dwarf-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-5 cm | Sample S-192 | |
Dark brown (7.5 YR 3/4). Top 1 cm is live material. Composed of moss and roots. Many very fine roots while medium and fine roots are common. | ||
Oe | 5-9 cm | Sample S-193 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2). Composed of roots. Many very fine roots, fine roots are common while medium roots are many. | ||
Oa | 9-12 cm | Sample S-194 | |
Dark brown (7.5 YR 3/4). Many very fine roots; fine roots are common. | ||
Oe2 | 12-20 cm | Sample S-195 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2). Composed of roots and sedge parts. Many very fine roots, fine roots are common. | ||
A2 | 20-33+ cm | Sample S-196 | |
Very dark gray-brown (10 YR 3/2). Massive but relatively loose (as opposed to dense) structure. Loam texture. Many large organic pieces throughout matrix of layer. Many very fine roots | ||
Permafrost | 33 cm | | |
Slightly sticky, plastic consistence (wet). | ||
Plot Number: | HV-41 | |
Location: | Hillslope about 400 m southwest of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/26/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Hillslope colluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Frost scars | |
Elevation: | 1000 ft | |
Slope: | <5° | |
Aspect: | E | |
Vegetation: | Dry Luzula arctica, Anthelia juratzkana, barren tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
O | 0-1 cm | No sample | |
Layer too thin to sample. | ||
Bw | 1-48+ cm | Sample S-197 | |
Gray to gray-brown (10 YR 5/1.5). Weak, very fine granular structure with less than 10% gravel. Sticky, plastic consistence (wet). Silty clay loam texture. Many medium, dark yellow-brown mottles (10 YR 4/6). Many very fine roots, fine roots are common. Cobbles to 2 cm in diameter. Structure of layer is moderate at the top few cm of the layer but weak throughout most of the layer. | ||
Permafrost | 48 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-42 | |
Location: | Hillslope about 300 m southwest of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/26/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Hillslope colluvium (and glacial outwash?) | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Featureless | |
Elevation: | 1000 ft | |
Slope: | 3° | |
Aspect: | E | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-3 cm | Sample S-198 | |
Dark yellow-brown (10 YR 4/4). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed mainly of moss (e.g. Aulacomnium turgidum) and liverworts (e.g. Ptilidium ciliare ). | ||
Oe | 3-7 cm | Sample S-199 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Many very fine and fine roots. Composed mainly of roots and mosses. | ||
Bw | 7-60+ cm | Sample S-201 | |
Dark gray-brown (2.5 YR 4/2). Moderate, fine, granular structure with 10% gravel. Sticky, plastic consistence (wet). Silty clay loam texture. Many large mottles (5 YR 5/8). Sapric inclusion (10 YR 2/1.8) at about 15 cm depth (discontinuous, not a layer). Many very fine roots; fine and medium roots are common. | ||
Permafrost | 60 cm | | |
NOTE: Several soil pits around this site indicate much variability in soil stratigraphy. Variability includes: (1) an organic layer 0 ranging from 7 to 18 cm in thickness, (2) an Oa layer ranging from absent to 10 cm in thickness to discontinuous inclusions in the Bw layer (Sample S-200), and (3) a thaw depth ranging from 35 cm to 6 cm. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-43 | |
Location: | Small island with tall Salix along creek about .5 km south of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/25/94 | |
Sample Time: | 17:00 | |
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Stabilized alluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Featureless | |
Elevation: | 950 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Moist Salix alaxensis, Shepherdia canadensis, tall shrubland | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oe | 0-5 cm | Sample S-202 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/3). 0% gravel; abrupt, broken boundary. Many fine and very fine roots. Comprised of decomposed leaves and grasses. | ||
Oa | 5-9 cm | Sample S-203 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). 0% gravel; abrupt, broken boundary. Many fine and very fine roots. Appears to be just a pocket of Oa material - likely derived from rodent tunneling activity. | ||
A | 5-20 cm | Sample S-204 | |
Dark brown (10 YR 3/3). Weak, very fine, subangular blocky structure with 0% gravel. Slightly sticky, slightly plastic consistence (wet). Sandy loam texture. Many fine and very fine roots, medium roots common. | ||
Rock Layer | 20 cm | | |
100% large rocks bigger than 15 cm. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-44 | |
Location: | Northwest-facing footslope; nonacidic tundra | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/25/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Colluvium and alluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Turf hummocks | |
Elevation: | 950 ft | |
Slope: | 5° | |
Aspect: | NW | |
Vegetation: | Moist Dryas integrifolia, Equisetum arvense, Lupinus arcticus, forb, dwarf-shrub, moss tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi1 | 0-7 cm | No sample | |
Yellow-brown (10 YR 5/6). 0% gravel; abrupt, broken boundary. Top 2 cm are live moss. Composed mainly of Tomentypnum nitens and Hylocomium splendens. | ||
Oi2 | 7-14 cm | Sample S-205 | |
Dark yellow-brown (10 YR 4/6). 0% gravel; abrupt, wavy boundary. Composed mainly of mosses. Discontinuous layer. Many medium and very fine roots. | ||
Oe | 7-14 cm | Sample S-206 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). 0% gravel; abrupt, wavy boundary. Composed mainly of sedge parts and mosses. Discontinuous layer. Many very fine, fine and medium roots. | ||
Oa | 14-21 cm | Sample S-207 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). 0% gravel. Many very fine, fine and medium roots. | ||
Bw | 21-62 cm | Sample S-208 | |
Very dark gray-brown (2.5 YR 3/2). Weak, very fine, subangular blocky structure with 75% gravel. Very sticky, very plastic consistence (wet). Silt clay texture. Includes cobbles up to 48 cm in diameter. Many very fine roots. Common small to large mottles (.5 YR 5/6). | ||
Permafrost | 62 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-45 | |
Location: | West-facing foot slope, nonacidic tundra; 15 m North of gridpoint 7671600N 426900E | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/25/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Colluvium and alluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Turf hummocks | |
Elevation: | 950 ft | |
Slope: | 5° | |
Aspect: | W | |
Vegetation: | Moist Dryas integrifolia, Equisetum arvense, Lupinus arcticus, forb, dwarf-shrub, moss tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-6 cm | Sample S-209 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). 0% gravel; abrupt, wavy boundary. Top 2 cm are live mosses (Tomentypnum nitens, Hylocomium splendens, Aulacomnium turgidum). Many very fine and fine roots. | ||
Oa | 6-10 cm | Sample S-210 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). 0% gravel; abrupt, broken boundary. Many very fine and fine roots. | ||
Bw | 10-59 cm | Sample S-211 | |
Dark to very dark gray-brown (2.5 YR 3.5/2). Massive structure with less than 10% gravel. Very sticky, very plastic consistence (wet). Clay texture. Few large, yellow-brown mottles (10 YR 5/6). Less than 5% of total soil volume is cobbles (up to 9 cm in diameter). | ||
Permafrost | 59 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-46 | |
Location: | Southern margin of small lake about 1 km west of Haul road and 1.5 km northwest of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | S. Walker | |
Sample Date: | 7/22/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Lake or pond organic sand or silt | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Lake | |
Elevation: | 1040 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Aquatic Menyanthes trifoliata, forb marsh | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-42 cm | Sample S-212 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2). 0% gravel. Fibric mat of fine and very fine roots. Perg. Cryofibrist. | ||
Permafrost | 42 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-47 | |
Location: | Southern margin of lake; 1 km west of Haul road and 1.5 km northwest of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | S. Walker and A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/22/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Lacustrine organic deposits | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Featureless | |
Elevation: | 1040 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Wet Carex rotundata, Carex chordorrhiza, Pedicularis sudetica, Sphagnum orientale, Drepanocladus sp., graminoid tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi1 | 0-4 cm | Sample S-213 | |
Very dark brown to black (10 YR 2/1.5). 0% gravel; many fine and very fine roots. Composed of graminoid material and mosses (Drepanocladus revolvens, sphdri). | ||
Oi2 | 4-17 cm | Sample S-214 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2) 0% gravel. Many fine and very fine roots. | ||
Oe | 17-40 cm | Sample S-215 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2) 0% gravel. Many very fine roots. | ||
Permafrost | 40 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-48 | |
Location: | Southern margin of lake; 1 km west of Haul road and 1.5 km northwest of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/22/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Lake or pond organic silt | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Lake | |
Elevation: | 1040 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Aquatic Arctophila fulva, Menyanthes trifoliata, graminoid marsh | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-? cm | Sample S-216 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2). 0% gravel. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-49 | |
Location: | Raised hummock area 1 km west of Haul road and 1.5 km northwest of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/22/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Basin colluvium and organic deposits | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Wetland hummock | |
Elevation: | 1040 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Wet Carex rotundata, Carex aquatilis, Andromeda polifolia, Rubus chamaemorus, Sphagnum sp., graminoid, dwarf-shrub, moss tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-21 cm | Sample S-217 | |
Dark yellow-brown (10 YR 3.5/4). 0% gravel. Composed of Sphagnum moss. Many very fine roots; medium roots are common. Top 10 cm are live plant mosses. | ||
Oe | 21-? cm | Sample S-218 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). 0% gravel. | ||
Permafrost | 21 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-50 | |
Location: | Southern margin of lake; 1 km west of Haul road and 1.5 km northwest of Happy Valley camp. Raised hummock area. | |
Description by: | A. Gallant and N. Auerbach | |
Sample Date: | 7/22/94 | |
Sample Time: | 13:20 | |
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Basin colluvium and organic deposits | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Wetland hummock | |
Elevation: | 1050 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Wet Sphagnum imbricatum, Carex aquatilis, Betula nana, Andromeda polifolia, moss, graminoid, dwarf-shrub tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi1 | 0-20 cm | Sample S-219 | |
First 10 cm of depth consists primarily of loose mat of . Next 10 cm are dark red-brown (5 YR 3/5); 0% gravel. Consists mostly of decomposing Sphagnum. Many fine, very fine and medium roots. | ||
Oi2 | 20-31+ cm | Sample S-220 | |
Very dark gray-brown (10 YR 3/2). 0% gravel; consists of Sphagnum and more roots than Oi1. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-51 | |
Location: | Southern margin of lake; 1 km west of Haul road and 1.5 km northwest of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | S. Walker, A. Gallant, N. Auerbach | |
Sample Date: | 7/22/94 | |
Sample Time: | 14:10 | |
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Basin colluvium and organic deposits | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Featureless | |
Elevation: | 1050 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Wet Carex chordorrhiza, Carex rotundata, Sphagnum orientale, graminoid tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi1 | 0-3 cm | No sample | |
Black (10 YR 2/2). 0% gravel; Loose mat of mosses and dead sedge leaves, mostly Sphagnum orientale. | ||
Oi2 | 3-44 cm | Sample S-221 | |
Dark brown (7.5 YR 3/2). 0% gravel. Fibric organic consisting of sedge roots and leaves. | ||
Plot Number: | HV-52 | |
Location: | ||
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/22/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Hillslope colluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Well-developed water tracks | |
Elevation: | 1040 ft | |
Slope: | <5° | |
Aspect: | NE | |
Vegetation: | Wet Carex rotundata, Betula nana, Salix fuscescens, Sphagnum sp., graminoid, dwarf-shrub, moss tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-7 cm | No sample | |
1% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed of Sphagnum moss | ||
Oe1 | 7-14 cm | Sample S-222 | |
Very dark brown (7.5 YR 3/3). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed mainly of Sphagnum; many very fine roots. | ||
Oe2 | 14-22 cm | Sample S-223 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 3/4). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed of roots and Sphagnum. | ||
Oa | 22-27 cm | Sample S-224 | |
Black (10 YR 2/2). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Many very fine roots. | ||
C | 27-47+ cm | Sample S-225 | |
Grayish-brown (2.5 YR 5/2). Massive structure with 0% gravel. Very sticky, very plastic consistence (wet). Clay texture. Common large mottles with 2 colors very dark gray (10 YR 3/1) and very dark grayish brown (10 YR 3/2. | ||
Permafrost | 47 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-53 | |
Location: | Hillslope water track about .5 km west of small lake and 1 km west of Haul road and 1.5 km west of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/22/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Hillslope colluvium | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Well developed hillslope | |
Elevation: | 1050 ft | |
Slope: | <5° | |
Aspect: | NE | |
Vegetation: | Wet Carex aquatilis, Betula nana, Salix fuscescens, Sphagnum angustifolium, graminoid, dwarf-shrub, moss tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi | 0-11 cm | Sample S-226 | |
Strong brown (7.5 YR 4/6). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed mainly of Sphagnum moss. Weak, platy structure due to compression of organic materials. | ||
Oe | 11-21 cm | Sample S-227 | |
Very dark brown (7.5 YR 2/4). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Weak, platy structure due to compression. Many very fine roots. | ||
Oa | 21-27 cm | Sample S-228 | |
Very dark gray-brown (10 YR 3/2). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Many very fine roots. | ||
C | 27-42+ cm | Sample S-229 | |
Gray-brown (2.5 YR 5/2). Massive structure with 0% gravel. Very sticky, very plastic consistence (wet); clay texture. | ||
Permafrost | 42 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-54 | |
Location: | .25 km west of small lake, 1 km west of Haul road, 1.5 km northwest of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/22/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Basin colluvium and organic deposits | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Featureless | |
Elevation: | 1050 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Wet Carex rotundata, Carex chordorrhiza, Sphagnum orientale, graminoid tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi1 | 0-3 cm | Sample S-230 | |
Black (10 YR 2/1). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed mainly of Sphagnum moss in a loose mat. Approximately 60% recognizable fiber after rubbing. | ||
Oi2 | 3-15 cm | Sample S-231 | |
Dark brown (10 YR 3/3). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed mainly of sedge roots and leaves in a compressed mat. Many fine and very fine roots. Approximately 20% recognizable fiber after rubbing. | ||
Oe | 15-24 cm | Sample S-232 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Many very fine roots. Compressed mat of sedge roots and leaves. | ||
Oa/A | 24-32+ cm | Sample S-233 | |
Very dark brown (10 YR 2/2). 0% gravel. About 10% recognizable fiber after rubbing. | ||
Permafrost | 32 cm | | |
Plot Number: | HV-55 | |
Location: | Raised hummock area .25 km west of small lake, 1 km west of Haul road, 1.5 km northwest of Happy Valley camp | |
Description by: | A. Gallant | |
Sample Date: | 7/22/94 | |
Sample Time: | ||
Classification: | ||
Parent Material: | Basin colluvium and organic deposits | |
Geomorphic Surface: | Wetland hummocks | |
Elevation: | 1050 ft | |
Slope: | 0° | |
Aspect: | Flat | |
Vegetation: | Wet Sphagnum imbricatum, Carex aquatilis, Betula nana, Andromeda polifolia, graminoid, dwarf-shrub, moss tundra | |
Horizon: | Description: | |
Oi1 | 0-9 cm | Sample S-234 | |
Dark brown (7.5 YR 3/4). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. composed mainly of Sphagnum moss in a loose mat. Many very fine and fine roots; medium and coarse roots are common. | ||
Oi2 | 9-16 cm | Sample S-235 | |
Very dark brown (7.5 YR 2/4). 0% gravel; abrupt, smooth boundary. Composed mainly of Sphagnum moss. Somewhat compressed. Many fine and very fine roots, coarse roots common. | ||
Oi3 | 16-30+ cm | Sample S-236 | |
Dark yellow-brown (10 YR 3.5/6). 0% gravel. Composed mainly of Sphagnum moss and sedge. Many very fine and fine roots. Coarse roots common. | ||
Permafrost | 30 cm | | |