Happy Valley Permanent Vegetation Plots

Walker, D.A., Auerbach, N.A., Nettleton, T.K., Gallant, A., Murphy, S.M. 1997. Happy Valley Permanent Vegetation Plots: Site factors, physical and chemical soil properties, plant species cover, photographs, soil descriptions, and ordination. Arctic System Science Flux Study, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.

Home // Preliminary vegetation classification // Vegetation communities and sites // Legend for environmental variables // Environmental data // Relevé size, percent cover // Soils data // Relevé species data //
Appendices: Field descriptions of soils // Plot and soil photos // Plot location map

Table 1. Preliminary vegetation classification based on habitat and dominant species and sample numbers for each type (HV)

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Principal HabitatPreliminary Community NamePlots
Dry tundra
 Dry river terracesDryas integrifolia - Lupinus arcticus HV-1, HV-2, HV-6, HV-10,
 Partially vegetated river banksEpilobium latifolium-Hedysarum alpinum HV-16, HV-7, HV-8, HV-14,
 Frost scarsLuzula arctica - Anthelia juratzkana HV-41, HV-42b,
 Nonacidic snowbedsCassiope tetragona - Dryas integrifolia HV-22, HV-17,
Moist tundra
 Acidic tussock tundraEriophorum vaginatum - Sphagnum sp. HV-39, HV-42a, HV-20, HV-21, HV-26, HV-27, HV-28, HV-29, HV-30, HV-32,
 Moist nonacidic tussock tundraCarex bigelowii - Tomentypnum nitens HV-44, HV-45, HV-23, HV-31,
 Alder riparian shrublandAlnus viridis-Climacium dendroides HV-4, HV-5,
 Willow river barsSalix alexensis-Shepherdia canadensis HV-43, HV-18, HV-11,
 Birch-willow streamsideSalix spp.-Betula nana HV-24, HV-25, HV-12,
 River bluffsSalix glauca-Lupinus arcticus HV-19, HV-13, HV-15,
 Birch tundraBetula nana - Sphagnum sp. HV-35, HV-36, HV-38, HV-40, HV-33,
Wet tundra
 Wet sedge tundraCarex aquatilis - Eriophorum angustifolium HV-9,
 Wet sedge tundraCarex chordorrhiza - Sphagnum orientale HV-51, HV-54, HV-47,
 Sphagnum hummocksCarex spp.-Sphagnum spp. HV-52, HV-53, HV-55, HV-50, HV-49, HV-34, HV-37,
 Deeper water pondsComarum palustre-Spargonium hyperboreum HV-3,
 Deeper water pondsMenyanthes trifioliata HV-46,
 Deeper water pondsArctophila fulva HV-48,
* Plots with soil descriptions and soil analysis for most horizons.
^ Plots with soil analysis for most horizons.
All other plots have soil analysis for horizon at 10-cm depth (rooting zone).