Imnavait Creek Permanent Vegetation Plots
Walker DA, Lederer ND, and Walker MD. 1987. Permanent vegetation plots: Site factors, soil physical and chemical properties and plant species cover. Department of Energy R4D Program, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.
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Plot location map
Table 3. Legend for the environmental variables used in the R4D vegetation studies.
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Landforms |
1 | Hill crest |
2 | Sideslope |
3 | Footslope |
4 | Active floodplain |
5 | Stabilized floodplain |
6 | Alluvial fan |
7 | Glaciofluvial outwash |
8 | Stream bluff |
9 | Small streams and water tracks |
10 | Lake basin |
11 | Colluvial basin |
12 | Water |
13 | Disturbed |
Estimated snow duration |
1.0 | Snow free all year |
2.0 | Snow free most of the winter; some snow cover persists after storm but is blown free soon afterward |
3.0 | Snow free prior to melt out but with snow most of winter |
4.0 | Snow free immediately after melt out |
5.0 | Snow bank persists 1-2 weeks after melt out |
6.0 | Snow bank persists 3-4 weeks after melt out |
7.0 | Snow bank persists 4-8 weeks after melt out |
8.0 | Snow bank persists 8-12 weeks after melt out |
9.0 | Very short snow free period |
10.0 | Deep snow all year |
Terrain Unit |
1 | Bedrock |
2 | Till |
3 | Glaciofluvial outwash |
4 | Meander floodplain |
5 | Non-meander floodplain |
6 | Alluvial fan |
7 | Basin colluvium |
8 | Hillslope deposits (undifferentiated retransported deposits) |
9 | Emergent lake bottom |
10 | Pond or lake |
11 | Stream or river |
12 | Disturbed |
Stability |
1.0 | Stable |
2.0 | Subject to occasional disturbance |
3.0 | Subject to prolonged but slow disturbance such as solifluction |
4.0 | Annually disturbed |
5.0 | Disturbed more than once annually |
Exposure Scale |
1.0 | Protected from winds |
2.0 | Moderate exposure to winds |
3.0 | Exposed to winds |
4.0 | Very exposed to winds |
Soil Type |
blank | No soil |
1 | Pergelic Cryaquoll |
2 | Pergelic Cryohemist |
3 | Pergelic Cryofibrist |
4 | Pergelic Cryorthent |
5 | Pergelic Cryumbrept |
6 | Pergelic Cryaquept |
7 | Histic Pergelic Cryaquept |
8 | Ruptic Pergelic Cryaquept |
9 | Hemic Pergelic Sphagnofibrist |
0 | Ranker soil (Pergelic Cryorthent) |
Surface Form |
1 | Blockfields and sorted stone stripes |
2 | Non-sorted stone stripes with frost scars |
3 | Hummocky terrain including turf hummocks |
4 | Gelifluction or solifluction features |
5 | High-centered polygons |
6 | Palsa |
7 | Frost scars |
8 | Strangmoor or aligned hummocks in bogs |
9 | Thermokarst pits |
10 | Weakly defined hillslope watertracks (<1.0m relief) |
11 | Well defined hillslope watertracks (>1.0m relief) |
12 | Incised stream drainage |
13 | Active floodplain alluvium |
14 | Irregular relief associated with stress drainages |
15 | Rocky terrain (undifferentiated till and bedrock) |
16 | Featureless ground |
17 | Pond complex |
18 | Water |
19 | Disturbed |
Soil Moisture (modified from Komárková 1983) |
1.0 | Very dry - very little moisture; soil does not stick together |
2.0 | Dry - little moisture; soil somewhat sticks together |
3.0 | Damp - noticeable moisture; soil sticks together but crumbles |
4.0 | Damp to moist - very noticeable moisture; soil clumps |
5.0 | Moist - moderate moisture; soil binds but can be broken apart |
6.0 | Moist to wet - considerable moisture; soil binds and sticks to fingers |
7.0 | Wet - very considerable moisture; drops of water can be squeezed out of soil |
8.0 | Very wet - much moisture can be squeezed out of soil |
9.0 | Saturated - very much moisture; water drips out of soil |
10.0 | Very saturated - extreme moisture; soil is more liquid than solid |
Microsite |
1 | Hummock |
2 | Inter-hummock |
3 | Frost scar |
4 | Inter-frost scar |
5 | In water track |
6 | Shrubby edge of water track |
7 | Top of solifluction lobe |
8 | Inter-solifluction lobe |
Animal and Human Disturbance |
0.0 | No sign present |
1.0 | Some sign present; no disturbance |
2.0 | Minor disturbance or extensive sign |
3.0 | Moderate disturbance; small dens or light grazing |
4.0 | Major disturbance; multiple dens or noticeable trampling |
5.0 | Very major disturbance; very extensive tunneling or large pit |
Site Moisture (modified from Komárková 1983) |
1.0 | Extremely xeric - almost no moisture; no plant growth |
2.0 | Very xeric - very little moisture; dry sand dunes |
3.0 | Xeric - little moisture; stabilized sand dunes, dry ridge tops |
4.0 | Subxeric - noticeable moisture; well-drained slopes, ridges |
5.0 | Subxeric to mesic - very noticeable moisture; flat to gently sloping |
6.0 | Mesic - moderate moisture; flat or shallow depressions |
7.0 | Mesic to subhygric - considerable moisture; depressions |
8.0 | Subhygric - very considerable moisture; saturated but with < 5 % standing water < 10 cm deep |
9.0 | Hygric - much moisture; up to 100% of surface under water 10 to 50 cm deep; lake margins, shallow ponds, streams |
10.0 | Hydric - very much moisture; 100% of surface under water 50 to 150 cm deep; lakes, streams |
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