Toolik Lake Permanent Vegetation Plots

Walker D.A. and Barry N. 1991. Toolik Lake permanent vegetation plots: site factors, soil physical and chemical properties, plant species cover, photographs, and soil descriptions. Data Report 48, Department of Energy R4D Program, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO.

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Table 1. Preliminary vegetation classification based on habitat and dominant species and sample numbers for each type

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Principal HabitatPreliminary Community NamePlots
Dry tundra
 South-facing slopesDryas octopetala - Selaginella sibirica SWT-7, SWT-18, SWT-47*, SWT-60,
 Outwash terraces and tillArctous alpina - Hierochloe alpina SWT-5*, SWT-46^, SWT-71,
 Outwash terraces and tillVaccinium vitis-idaea - Calamagrostis purpurascens SWT-65*, SWT-69,
 Outwash terraces and tillBetula nana - Cladina arbuscula SWT-3, SWT-6, SWT-66, SWT-70*,
 Outwash terraces and tillSalix phlebophylla - Vaccinium vitis-idaea SWT-63,
 Ground squirrel moundsPoa glauca - Ranunculus pedatifidus SWT-17, SWT-31, SWT-48*, SWT-76,
 Sorted and nonsorted stripesDryas integrifolia - Dicranum sp. SWT-40*, SWT-44*,
 Frost scarsLuzula arctica - Juncus biglumis SWT-35*, SWT-64, SWT-74, SWT-80,
 Upper snowbedsEmpetrum nigrum - Ledum decumbens SWT-8^, SWT-19,
 Middle snowbedsCassiope tetragona - Carex microchaeta SWT-49*,
 Middle snowbedsCassiope tetragona - Geum glaciale SWT-9, SWT-20, SWT-50^,
 Lower deep snowbedsSalix rotundifolia - Hylocomium splendens SWT-51*,
Moist tundra
 Water track marginsBetula nana - Sphagnum rubellum SWT-36, SWT-75*,
 Minerotrophic slopesCarex bigelowii - Tomentypnum nitens SWT-22, SWT-23, SWT-39*, SWT-42^, SWT-43^, SWT-53*, SWT-56*, SWT-77,
 Tussock tundraEriophorum vaginatum - Sphagnum rubellum SWT-25, SWT-26*, SWT-32*, SWT-54*, SWT-73^, SWT-81,
 Lower minerotrophic slopesEquisetum arvense - Carex bigelowii SWT-10, SWT-21, SWT-24, SWT-41*, SWT-45*, SWT-52^,
 Fen hummocksTrichophorum caespitosum - Tomentypnum nitens SWT-14*, SWT-38*, SWT-58*,
 Stream banks, lake marginsCarex podocarpa - Dodocatheon frigidum SWT-1, SWT-16, SWT-34*, SWT-62,
 Riparian willowsSalix lanata - Salix alaxensis SWT-2*, SWT-28, SWT-33, SWT-67,
 Shrubby south-facing slopesSalix glauca SWT-59, SWT-61*,
 Stream marginsSalix pulchra - Dodecatheon frigidum SWT-68*,
Wet tundra
 Fens, deeper waterCarex aquatilis - Eriophorum angustifolium SWT-12, SWT-13*, SWT-29, SWT-72,
 Fens, shallow waterCarex chordorrhiza - Carex rariflora SWT-11*, SWT-15, SWT-37*, SWT-55, SWT-57*,
 Water tracksSalix pulchra - Sphagnum squarrosum SWT-27*,
 Lake marginsArctophila fulva - Hippuris vulgaris SWT-4, SWT-30*,
 Water tracksSalix pulchra - Sphagnum rubellum SWT-78, SWT-79*,
* Plots with soil descriptions and soil analysis for most horizons.
^ Plots with soil analysis for most horizons.
All other plots have soil analysis for horizon at 10-cm depth (rooting zone).