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Vascular plantsNonvascular plants


  1. Packera heterophylla

    1. Packera heterophyllaPackera heterophylla
      Original image
      Rock garden plants database
      Image author: Pavel Slabý ©

    2. Packera heterophyllaPackera heterophylla
      Original image
      Biodiversity in Quebec
      Image author: Government of Quebec ©

    3. Packera heterophyllaPackera heterophylla
      Original image
      Larkspur Books
      Image author: A. Scott Earle ©
      photographed at treeline in the Pioneer Range.
      From: Idaho Mountain Wildflowers: A Photographic Compendium, A. Scott Earle, Larkspur Books 2001, 224 pages.

  1. Papaver dahlianum subsp. polare

    1. Papaver dahlianumPapaver dahlianum
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Kjell M. Sarre ©
      Flowering plant
      Båtsfjord: Austerelva, 1983.

  1. Papaver lapponicum

    1. Papaver lapponicumPapaver lapponicum
      Original image
      Wildflowers: A Closer Look
      Image author: Reny Parker ©

      Denali National Park, AK, USA, 6/25/03
    2. Papaver lapponicumPapaver lapponicum
      Original image
      Arctic-Alpine Botanic Garden, University of Troms
      Image author: Finn Haugli ©

    3. Papaver lapponicumPapaver lapponicum
      Original image
      Plants of Point Hope
      Image author: Baldassare Mineo ©
      We found Arctic poppies in rocky areas that weren't too wet. The leaf is a basal and pinnate. The flower has five pedals, and is yellow. It is about 8 to 10 inches tall. The stem is furry, and so are the leaves. The poppy flower always faces the sun so it can stay warm. To do this, the stem grows unevenly. The side away from the sun grows faster, tipping the flower toward the sun. USES: None that we learned of.
      compiled in 1996-97, class of 2003.
    4. Papaver lapponicumPapaver lapponicum
      Original image
      Wildflowers & Scenery of the Canadian Rockies
      Image author: Barbara J. Collins ©

      Waterton Glacier area, Canada

  1. Papaver macounii

    1. Papaver macouniiPapaver macounii
      Original image
      Teachers Experiencing Antarctica and the Arctic
      Image author: Christine Donovan ©

      July 2001, Barrow, Alaska

  1. Papaver macounii subsp. discolor

    1. Papaver macouniiPapaver macounii
      Original image
      Teachers experiencing Antartica and the Arctic
      Image author: Christine Donovan ©

      Barrow, AK, USA, 7/8/01.
    2. Papaver macouniiPapaver macounii
      Original image
      University of Alaska Museum of the North, Herbarium
      Image author: David F. Murray ©

  1. Parnassia kotzebuei

    1. Parnassia kotzebueiParnassia kotzebuei
      Original image
      Flora and Fauna Northwest
      Image author: Paul Slichter ©
      west of Wonder Lake, Denali National Park, AK, USA, 6/25/02.
    2. Parnassia kotzebueiParnassia kotzebuei
      Original image
      Flora and Fauna Northwest
      Image author: Paul Slichter ©
      west of Wonder Lake, Denali National Park, AK, USA, 6/25/02.
    3. Parnassia kotzebueiParnassia kotzebuei
      Original image
      Flora and Fauna Northwest
      Image author: Paul Slichter ©
      west of Wonder Lake, Denali National Park, AK, USA, 6/25/02.
    4. Parnassia kotzebueiParnassia kotzebuei
      Original image
      Flora and Fauna Northwest
      Image author: Paul Slichter ©

      west of Wonder Lake, Denali National Park, AK, USA, 6/25/02.

  1. Parnassia palustris

    1. Parnassia palustrisParnassia palustris
      Original image
      Floral Images
      Image author: John Crellin

      July 2008. Near Lochan na Lairige, Perthshire, Scotland
    2. Parnassia palustrisParnassia palustris
      Original image
      Floral Images
      Image author: John Crellin

      July 2008. Near Lochan na Lairige, Perthshire, Scotland
    3. Parnassia palustrisParnassia palustris
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database
      Image author: Mary Clay Stensvold ©

      Just North of Harlequin Lake Outlet, Yakutat area, S.E. Region, AK
    4. Parnassia palustrisParnassia palustris
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database
      Image author: Steve Hurst

  1. Parrya nudicaulis

    1. Parrya nudicaulisParrya nudicaulis
      Original image, Flora of China, Brassicaceae
      Image author: Barbara Ertter ©
      Photographed using Kodachrome slide film, at Eagle Summit NE of Fairbanks on 10 July 1992
    2. Parrya nudicaulisParrya nudicaulis
      Original image
      Wildflowers: A Closer Look
      Image author: Reny Parker ©

      Savage River Trail, Denali National Park, AK, USA, 6/26/02 (not certain of id)
    3. Parrya nudicaulisParrya nudicaulis
      Original image
      Flora and Fauna Northwest
      Image author: Paul Slichter ©

      Thoro Ridge, Denali National Park, AK, USA, 6/23/02.

  1. Pedicularis sp.

    1. PedicularisPedicularis
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database
      Image author: Margaret Williams ©
      Example species: attollens
    2. PedicularisPedicularis
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database
      Image author: Patrick J. Alexander ©
      Example species: canadensis
    3. PedicularisPedicularis
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database
      Image author: Al Schneider ©
      Example species: groenlandica
    4. PedicularisPedicularis
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database
      Image author: Al Schneider ©
      Example species: racemosa

  1. Pedicularis albolabiata

    1. Pedicularis albolabiataPedicularis albolabiata
      Original image
      Alaska Geobotany Center
      Image author: E. Barbour

      Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA; June 29, 2007
    2. Pedicularis albolabiataPedicularis albolabiata
      Original image
      Alaska Geobotany Center
      Image author: E. Barbour

      Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA; June 29, 2007

  1. Pedicularis capitata

    1. Pedicularis capitataPedicularis capitata
      Original image
      Wildflowers: A Closer Look
      Image author: Reny Parker ©
      Close-up of flowers
      Anchorage Area, AK, USA, 7/1/01
    2. Pedicularis capitataPedicularis capitata
      Original image
      Wildflowers: A Closer Look
      Image author: Reny Parker ©
      Denali National Park, AK, USA, 6/25/02
    3. Pedicularis capitataPedicularis capitata
      Original image
      Alaska Geobotany Center
      Image author: M.K. Raynolds ©

      Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA: July, 2007
    4. Pedicularis capitataPedicularis capitata
      Original image
      Canadian Arctic Islands
      Image author: Andrew MacRae ©
      Flowering plants
      near Kanguk River, western Axel Heiberg Island, 7/90. Canada.

  1. Pedicularis labradorica

    1. Pedicularis labradoricaPedicularis labradorica
      Original image
      Alaska Geobotany Center
      Image author: E. Barbour

      Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA; June 29, 2007
    2. Pedicularis labradoricaPedicularis labradorica
      Original image
      Alaska Geobotany Center
      Image author: M.K. Raynolds ©

      Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA: July, 2007
    3. Pedicularis labradoricaPedicularis labradorica
      Original image
      Alaska Geobotany Center
      Image author: M.K. Raynolds ©

      Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA; June 29, 2007
    4. Pedicularis labradoricaPedicularis labradorica
      Original image
      Alaskan Wildflowers
      Image author: Mary Hopson ©
      Little Coal Creek Trail to Kesugi Ridge, in Denali State Park, June 23, 2004; Alaska, USA
    5. Pedicularis labradoricaPedicularis labradorica
      Original image
      Flora and Fauna Northwest
      Image author: Paul Slichter ©
      close-up of the flower and subtending leaf, on open tundra,
      Denali National Park, AK, USA, 2002

  1. Pedicularis lanata

    1. Pedicularis lanataPedicularis lanata
      Original image
      CSU Stanislaus Bioweb
      Image author: Steven Wolf ©

      Alberta, Canada
    2. Pedicularis lanataPedicularis lanata
      Original image
      A Collection of Historic and Modern Biological Books
      Image author: illustration by M. Winkler ©
      Winkler, M. 1900. <em>Sudetenflora</em>. Dresden, C. Heinrich
    3. Pedicularis lanataPedicularis lanata
      Original image
      Wildflowers of East Central Alaska
      Image author: A. Cook and L. Tyrrell ©
      Steese Highway east of Eagle Summit, Alaska
    4. Pedicularis lanataPedicularis lanata
      Original image
      Botanical Society of America
      Image author: Alan Battan ©

    5. Pedicularis lanataPedicularis lanata
      Original image
      CSU Stanislaus Bioweb
      Image author: Steven Wolf ©

      Alberta, Canada
    6. Pedicularis lanataPedicularis lanata
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Susan Aiken ?
      Close-up of inflorescence. Woolly lousewort. Inflorescence in flower. Note three fused and ridged landing petals, and two hood or helmet petals that do not have teeth near the apex and are about as long as the landing petals.
      Banks Island in Aulavik National Park, near green cabin, June 29, 1999. Aiken SG-99-001. Canada.

  1. Pedicularis langsdorffii

    1. Pedicularis langsdorffiiPedicularis langsdorffii
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: unknown
      Both of these roots are from P. langsdorfii subsp. arctica. They have a pale yellow branching taproot, a contrast with P. lanata where the taproot is bright lemon yellow and usully more robust (see P. lanata).
      Collected: Left: Hot Weather Creek, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut, Canada. Right: Tingmisut Lake, Melville Island, Canada. Collected: Left: Edlund 70 and Roncato-Spencer. Right: Tener and Harington.
    2. Pedicularis langsdorffiiPedicularis langsdorffii
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Aiken ?
      Close-up of three landing petals and the tube of the corolla that leads to the nectary
      July 1999, Aulavik National Park, Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Canada
    3. Pedicularis langsdorffiiPedicularis langsdorffii
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Aiken ?
      Flowers with strongly arched, deeper pink helmet petals, that have two small teeth at the apex and with stigmas that ripen first extended. Landing petals are longer than helmet.
      July 1999, Aulavik National Park, Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Canada
    4. Pedicularis langsdorffiiPedicularis langsdorffii
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Aiken ?
      Plant nearly 20 cm high, growing with Salix arctica in a sheltered hollow, near the top of a sand pingo. Note bract leaves are longer than the flowers at the base of the inflorescence
      July 1999, Aulavik National Park, Banks Island, Northwest Territories, Canada

  1. Pedicularis lapponica

    1. Pedicularis lapponicaPedicularis lapponica
      Original image
      Alaska Geobotany Center
      Image author: M.K. Raynolds ©

      Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA; June 29, 2007
    2. Pedicularis lapponicaPedicularis lapponica
      Original image
      Alaska Geobotany Center
      Image author: M.K. Raynolds ©

      Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA; June 29, 2007
    3. Pedicularis lapponicaPedicularis lapponica
      Original image
      Image author: Josef Hlasek ©
      Several flowering plants

  1. Pedicularis oederi

    1. Pedicularis oederiPedicularis oederi
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Egil Michaelsen ©

      Oppdal, 2002.
    2. Pedicularis oederiPedicularis oederi
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database
      Image author: Margaret Williams ©
      Courtesy of Nevada Native Plant Society. Usage Guidelines.
    3. Pedicularis oederiPedicularis oederi
      Original image
      Alaska Geobotany Center
      Image author: M.K. Raynolds ©

      Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA: July, 2007
    4. Pedicularis oederiPedicularis oederi
      Original image
      Matt Goff
      Image author: Matt Goff ©

      Sitka, AK, USA, 8/10/00
    5. Pedicularis oederiPedicularis oederi
      Original image
      Norwegian Botanical Association
      Image author: Dag Fosse ©

      BU Hol: Hallingskarvets s?rskr?ning, 1999.
    6. Pedicularis oederiPedicularis oederi
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Egil Michaelsen ©

      Oppdal, 2002.

  1. Pedicularis pennellii

    1. Pedicularis pennelliiPedicularis pennellii
      Original image
      Bryan and Cherry Alexander Photography
      Image author: Bryan &amp; Cherry Alexander ©
      Summer Tundra, Flowering plant
      Poeten Bay, Chukotka, Siberia (photos are for sale; stock photography-)

  1. Pedicularis sudetica aggregate

    1. Pedicularis sudeticaPedicularis sudetica
      Original image
      Matt Goff
      Image author: Matt Goff ©
      Close-up of inflorescence
      Sitka, AK, USA, 8/10/00
    2. Pedicularis sudeticaPedicularis sudetica
      Original image
      Ruth Timme Photos
      Image author: Ruth Timme ©
      Flowering plant
      Denali National Park, AK, USA, 6/05

  1. Petasites frigidus

    1. Petasites frigidusPetasites frigidus
      Original image
      Alaska Geobotany Center
      Image author: M.K. Raynolds ©

      Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA: July, 2007
    2. Petasites frigidusPetasites frigidus
      Original image
      Alaska Geobotany Center
      Image author: M.K. Raynolds ©

      Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA: July, 2007
    3. Petasites frigidusPetasites frigidus
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Susan Aiken ?
      Close-up of inflorescence. Three capitula with pale ray florets expanded and disc florets beginning to open.
      N.W.T., Banks Island, Aulavik National Park, 73?48'.17 N; 119?52'.32 W, 2 July 1999. Aiken 99-013. Canada.
    4. Petasites frigidusPetasites frigidus
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: J.M. Gillett ?
      Inflorescence in seed. Inflorescence (capulescence) with expanded pom poms of white pappus hairs, and younger flowering heads that have not expanded. Small leaves on the flowering stems and large, lobed basal deltoid leaves.
      N.W.T. Tuktoyuktuk, 20 July 1981, J.M. Gillett 18696. Canada.

  1. Phippsia

    1. PhippsiaPhippsia
      Original image
      Image author: Michael Koltzenburg ©
      example species, <em>Phippsia algida</em>
      Europe, 2000
    2. PhippsiaPhippsia
      Original image
      Flora of Iceland
      Image author: Hörður Kristinsson ©
      Prostrate growth form; example species, <em>Phippsia algida</em>
    3. PhippsiaPhippsia
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Norman Hagen ©
      Close-up of clump; example species, <em>Phippsia algida</em>
      Juvvasshytta, 2005

  1. Phippsia algida

    1. Phippsia algidaPhippsia algida
      Original image
      Image author: Michael Koltzenburg ©

      Europe, 2000
    2. Phippsia algidaPhippsia algida
      Original image
      Flora of Iceland
      Image author: Hörður Kristinsson ©
      Prostrate growth form
    3. Phippsia algidaPhippsia algida
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Norman Hagen ©
      Close-up of clump
      Juvvasshytta, 2005

  1. Phlox sibirica

    1. Phlox sibiricaPhlox sibirica
      Original image
      Artists of the Arctic Refuge
      Image author: Roy Corral ©

      Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, AK, USA, 1998

  1. Picea abies subsp. obovata

    1. Picea abiesPicea abies
      Original image
      Arboretum de Villardebelle; Michael P. Frankis collection
      Image author: Michael Frankis ©
      Close-up of large cone
    2. Picea abiesPicea abies
      Original image
      Graver Arboretum, Muhlenberg College, PA, USA
      Image author: K. Rice ©
      Branch with cone
    3. Picea abiesPicea abies
      Original image
      Magnificent Transbaikalia, (southern Siberia), Biodiversity of the Region in Pictures
      Image author: Oleg Korsun ©
      Krasnochikoisky District, uplands of the Chikoi River, Shebetui Lake, subalpine belt, 8/17/02

  1. Picea glauca

    1. Picea glaucaPicea glauca
      Original image
      Wisconsin State Herbarium
      Image author: Kenneth J. Sytsma ©
      Michigan, Upper Peninsula, Lake Huron shore
    2. Picea glaucaPicea glauca
      Original image
      Cofrin Center for Biodiversity
      Image author: Gary Fewless ©
    3. Picea glaucaPicea glauca
      Original image
      Old Dominion University Plant Site
      Image author: Lytton John Musselman ©
      Branches with cones
      Wilderness State Park, MI, USA, 5/24/01.
    4. Picea glaucaPicea glauca
      Original image
      Old Dominion University Plant Site
      Image author: Lytton John Musselman ©
      Close-up of cones
      Wilderness State Park, MI, USA, 5/24/01.
    5. Picea glaucaPicea glauca
      Original image
      Trees and Shrubs of the campus of Iowa State University
      Image author: Susan J. Aldworth ©

  1. Picea mariana

    1. Picea marianaPicea mariana
      Original image
      Arthur Haines, Plant Biologist, Field Taxonomist
      Image author: Arthur Haines ©
    2. Picea marianaPicea mariana
      Original image
      Arthur Haines, Plant Biologist, Field Taxonomist
      Image author: Arthur Haines ©
    3. Picea marianaPicea mariana
      Original image
      Cofrin Center for Biodiversity
      Image author: Gary Fewless ©
    4. Picea marianaPicea mariana
      Original image
      University of Toronto, Botany 307
      Image author: M. Ferguson ©
      Black spruce (<em>Picea mariana</em> (Mill.) BSP) ovulate cone; this species is a major component of the boreal forest, especially on wetter sites. Note the needles arranged singly on the twig.
      Ontario, Canada, 1997.
    5. Picea marianaPicea mariana
      Original image
      Wisconsin State Herbarium
      Image author: Kenneth J. Sytsma ©

  1. Pleuropogon

    1. PleuropogonPleuropogon
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Mollie MacCormac ?
      <em>Pleuropogon sabinei</em>, example species; Close-up of plant. Aerial culms with developing inflorescences that have few many flowered spikelets. Plants growing in shallow pond on calcareous silt.
      Nunavut, Cornwallis Island, Resolute Bay. Aiken 98-057. Canada.
    2. PleuropogonPleuropogon
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: G. Steel ?
      <em>Pleuropogon sabinei</em>, example species; Laboratory photograph.
      Nunavut, Cornwallis Island, Resolute Bay, plant brought in from wet area west of Polar Continental Shelf Project station. Aiken 93-079. (Canada). August 1993.

  1. Pleuropogon sabinei

    1. Pleuropogon sabineiPleuropogon sabinei
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Mollie MacCormac ?
      Close-up of plant. Aerial culms with developing inflorescences that have few many flowered spikelets. Plants growing in shallow pond on calcareous silt.
      Nunavut, Cornwallis Island, Resolute Bay. Aiken 98-057. Canada.
    2. Pleuropogon sabineiPleuropogon sabinei
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: G. Steel ?
      Laboratory photograph.
      Nunavut, Cornwallis Island, Resolute Bay, plant brought in from wet area west of Polar Continental Shelf Project station. Aiken 93-079. (Canada). August 1993.

  1. Poa

    1. PoaPoa
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database
      Image author: Robert Soreng ©
      Example species: arachnifera
    2. PoaPoa
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database
      Image author: Patrick J. Alexander ©
      Example species: bulbosa
    3. PoaPoa
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database
      Image author: Robert Soreng ©
      Example species: leibergii
    4. PoaPoa
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database
      Image author: Robert Soreng ©

  1. Poa abbreviata

    1. Poa abbreviataPoa abbreviata
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database
      Image author: Britton, N.L., and A. Brown.
      Illustrated flora of the northern states and Canada. Vol. 1: 253. Courtesy of Kentucky Native Plant Society. Scanned by Omnitek Inc. Usage Guidelines. USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / Britton, N.L., and A. Brown. 1913.
    2. Poa abbreviataPoa abbreviata
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database
      Image author: Britton, N.L., and A. Brown.
      Illustrated flora of the northern states and Canada. Vol. 1: 253. Courtesy of Kentucky Native Plant Society. Scanned by Omnitek Inc. Usage Guidelines. USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database / Britton, N.L., and A. Brown. 1913.

  1. Poa alpina

    1. Poa alpinaPoa alpina
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database
      Image author: Steve Hurst

      Svalof, Sweden

  1. Poa arctica

    1. Poa arcticaPoa arctica
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: L.J. Gillespie, L.L. Consaul &amp; R.J. Soreng. ?
      Habitat and Close-up of plant. Small wet mossy meadow on barren scree slope, ~600 m. Tufted or densely turfy plants forming low circular mounds.
      Nunavut, Ellesmere Island, Sawtooth Range, W side, 79?43.54'N, 83?09.44'W. 5 August 1999. Canada.
    2. Poa arcticaPoa arctica
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: K. Clarkin or L. Gillespie
      Laboratory photograph of plant habit. Laboratory photograph of plant habit showing loose culms developing from rhizomes.
      Nunavut, Baffin Island, Canada, 1994.
    3. Poa arcticaPoa arctica
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: K. Clarkin ?
      Laboratory photograph of whole plant. Plant in laboratory setting showing inflorescence branches at right angles to the main rachis.
      Nunavut, Baffin Island, Iqaluit, Canada

  1. Poa glauca

    1. Poa glaucaPoa glauca
      Original image
      The Flora of Svalbard
      Image author: Inger Greve Alsos

      2007, Birdmountain, Ossian Sarsfjellet, Svalbard
    2. Poa glaucaPoa glauca
      Original image
      The Flora of Svalbard
      Image author: Inger Greve Alsos

      2007, Birdmountain, Ossian Sarsfjellet, Svalbard
    3. Poa glaucaPoa glauca
      Original image
      The Flora of Svalbard
      Image author: Inger Greve Alsos

      2007, Birdmountain, Ossian Sarsfjellet, Svalbard
    4. Poa glaucaPoa glauca
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database
      Image author: Jose Hernandez ©

      Islamic Republic of Iran

  1. Poa pratensis

    1. Poa pratensisPoa pratensis
      Original image
      Botanische Online-Exkursionen
      Image author: Stephan Imhof ©
      Close-up of inflorescence
    2. Poa pratensisPoa pratensis
      Original image
      Missouri Plants
      Image author: Dan Tenaglia ©
      Plant in-situ
      NC, USA, 4/27/03
    3. Poa pratensisPoa pratensis
      Original image
      Plants of Hawaii
      Image author: Forest Starr &amp; Kim Starr, USGS ©
      Flowering plant
      Kalahaku HNP, Maui, HI, USA. 10/26/00
    4. Poa pratensisPoa pratensis
      Original image
      Biodiversity Collections Index, Texas Grasses, SM Tracy Herbarium
      Image author: L. Hatch & D. E. Dawson ©
      inflorescence (preserved specimen)

  1. Poa pratensis

    1. Poa pratensisPoa pratensis
      Original image
      The Flora of Svalbard
      Image author: Bjørn Erik Sandbakk

      2007, Longyearbyen, Svalbard
    2. Poa pratensisPoa pratensis
      Original image
      The Flora of Svalbard
      Image author: Bjørn Erik Sandbakk

      2007, Longyearbyen, Svalbard
    3. Poa pratensisPoa pratensis
      Original image
      The Flora of Svalbard
      Image author: Bjørn Erik Sandbakk

      2007, Longyearbyen, Svalbard
    4. Poa pratensisPoa pratensis
      Original image
      The Flora of Svalbard
      Image author: Bjørn Erik Sandbakk

      2007, Longyearbyen, Svalbard

  1. Polemonium acutiflorum

    1. Polemonium acutiflorumPolemonium acutiflorum
      Original image
      Finnish Tree of Life
      Image author: Harri Arkkio ©

      Finland, Kilpisjärvi, 7/29/04
    2. Polemonium acutiflorumPolemonium acutiflorum
      Original image
      Finnish Tree of Life
      Image author: Harri Arkkio ©

      Finland, Kilpisjärvi, 7/29/04
    3. Polemonium acutiflorumPolemonium acutiflorum
      Original image
      Flora and Fauna Northwest
      Image author: Paul Slichter ©

      west of Wonder Lake Campground, Denali National Park, AK, USA, 6/25/02.
    4. Polemonium acutiflorumPolemonium acutiflorum
      Original image
      Ruth Timme Photos
      Image author: Ruth Timme ©

      Kenai Peninsula, AK, USA
    5. Polemonium acutiflorumPolemonium acutiflorum
      Original image
      Ruth Timme Photos
      Image author: Ruth Timme ©

      Kenai Peninsula, AK, USA

  1. Polemonium boreale

    1. Polemonium borealePolemonium boreale
      Original image
      Berkutenko Seed list, Wildflowers of Siberia and the Russian Far East.
      Image author: Alexandra Berkutenko ©

    2. Polemonium borealePolemonium boreale
      Original image
      Boreal Jacob's Ladder
      Image author: Michael Haferkamp ©

      Svalbard, Norway, 7/04
    3. Polemonium borealePolemonium boreale
      Original image
      Magnar's Arctic Alpines &amp; Perennials
      Image author: Magnar Aspaker ©

      Harstad, Norway
    4. Polemonium borealePolemonium boreale
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Stein H?kon Lygre

      FI S?r-Varanger: Bug?ynes kirkeg?rd. 2002.
    5. Polemonium borealePolemonium boreale
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Stein H?kon Lygre

      FI S?r-Varanger: Bug?ynes kirkeg?rd. 2002.

  1. Populus balsamifera

    1. Populus balsamiferaPopulus balsamifera
      Original image
      Wildflowers of Southern California (Mountains)
      Image author: Lorence G. Collins ©
      CA, USA
    2. Populus balsamiferaPopulus balsamifera
      Original image

      Image author: Amy Breen ©
      Hulahula River, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska
      June, 2004
    3. Populus balsamiferaPopulus balsamifera
      Original image

      Image author: Amy Breen ©
      Kobuk Sand Dunes, Kobuk Valley National Park, Alaska
      June, 2003
    4. Populus balsamiferaPopulus balsamifera
      Original image

      Image author: Amy Breen ©
      Kobuk Sand Dunes, Kobuk Valley National Park, Alaska
      June, 2003
    5. Populus balsamiferaPopulus balsamifera
      Original image

      Image author: Amy Breen ©
      Kongakut River, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska
      June, 2004

  1. Populus suaveolens

    1. Populus suaveolensPopulus suaveolens
      Original image
      Magnificent Transbaikalia, (southern Siberia), Biodiversity of the Region in Pictures
      Image author: Oleg Korsun ©
      Close-up of leaves
      Chitinsky District, Smolenka Village, valley of the Chita River, Russia, 8/30/02
    2. Populus suaveolensPopulus suaveolens
      Original image
      Magnificent Transbaikalia, (southern Siberia), Biodiversity of the Region in Pictures
      Image author: Oleg Korsun ©
      Underside of leaves
      Chitinsky District, Smolenka Village, valley of the Chita River, Russia, 7/7/03
    3. Populus suaveolensPopulus suaveolens
      Original image

      Image author: Amy Breen ©
      Hulahula River, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska
      June, 2004
    4. Populus suaveolensPopulus suaveolens
      Original image

      Image author: Amy Breen ©
      Hulahula River, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska
      June, 2004
    5. Populus suaveolensPopulus suaveolens
      Original image

      Image author: Amy Breen ©
      Hulahula River, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska
      June, 2004

  1. Potentilla

    1. PotentillaPotentilla
      Original image
      Southwest School of Botanical Medicine
      Image author: Michael Moore ©
      example species, <em>Potentilla hippiana</em>
      AZ, USA
    2. PotentillaPotentilla
      Original image
      Southwest School of Botanical Medicine
      Image author: John Egbert ©
      example species, <em>Potentilla palustris</em>
      MI, USA
    3. PotentillaPotentilla
      Original image
      Southwest School of Botanical Medicine
      Image author: Hasso Wittboldt-Mueller ©
      example species, <em>Potentilla strigosa</em>
      NM, USA
    4. PotentillaPotentilla
      Original image
      Southwest School of Botanical Medicine
      Image author: Mary Vaux Walcott ©
      lithograph from the first quarter of the 20th century, example species, <em>Potentilla diversifolia</em>
    5. PotentillaPotentilla
      Original image
      Southwest School of Botanical Medicine
      Image author: Mary Vaux Walcott ©
      lithograph from the first quarter of the 20th century, example species, <em>Potentilla fruticosa</em>

  1. Potentilla biflora

    1. Potentilla bifloraPotentilla biflora
      Original image
      Scottish Rock Garden Club
      Image author: Henry Taylor ©

    2. Potentilla bifloraPotentilla biflora
      Original image
      Alaska Geobotany Center
      Image author: M.K. Raynolds ©

      Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA: July, 2007
    3. Potentilla bifloraPotentilla biflora
      Original image
      Flora and Fauna Northwest
      Image author: Paul Slichter ©

      Thoro Ridge, Denali National Park, AK, USA, 6/23/02.
    4. Potentilla bifloraPotentilla biflora
      Original image
      Flora and Fauna Northwest
      Image author: Paul Slichter ©

      Thoro Ridge, Denali National Park, AK, USA, 6/23/02.
    5. Potentilla bifloraPotentilla biflora
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: R. Elven ?
      Close-up of plant in habitat. Flowering plant in high-alpine fellfield.
      Alaska: Alaska Range, Mt Healy. July 1998. Voucher in HbO. AK, USA.

  1. Potentilla hyparctica

    1. Potentilla hyparcticaPotentilla hyparctica
      Original image
      Alaska Geobotany Center
      Image author: M.K. Raynolds ©

      Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA: July, 2007
    2. Potentilla hyparcticaPotentilla hyparctica
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Leiduf Lund ©
      Close-up of flowers and leaves
      Norway, Svalbard, Colesdalen, 2002.
    3. Potentilla hyparcticaPotentilla hyparctica
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Leiduf Lund ©
      Flowering plant
      Norway, Svalbard, Colesdalen, 2002.

  1. Potentilla nivea

    1. Potentilla niveaPotentilla nivea
      Original image
      Idaho Transportation Department, Operation Wildflower
      Image author: unknown

    2. Potentilla niveaPotentilla nivea
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database
      Image author: Tracy Slotta ©

      ARS Systematic Botany and Mycology Laboratory, India

  1. Potentilla uniflora

    1. Potentilla unifloraPotentilla uniflora
      Original image
      Alaska Rock Garden Society
      Image author: Frank G. Pratt ©

    2. Potentilla unifloraPotentilla uniflora
      Original image
      Wildflowers: A Closer Look
      Image author: Reny Parker ©

      Anchorage, AK, USA, 7/1/00
    3. Potentilla unifloraPotentilla uniflora
      Original image
      Wildflowers: A Closer Look
      Image author: Reny Parker ©

      Anchorage, AK, USA, 7/1/01

  1. Primula tschuktschorum

    1. Primula tschuktschorumPrimula tschuktschorum
      Original image
      Wildflowers: A Closer Look
      Image author: Reny Parker ©

      Denali National Park, AK, USA, 6/25/02
    2. Primula tschuktschorumPrimula tschuktschorum
      Original image
      Magnar's Arctic Alpines &amp; Perennials
      Image author: Magnar Aspaker ©

      planted in Mr. Aspaker's garden, Harstad, Norway
    3. Primula tschuktschorumPrimula tschuktschorum
      Original image
      Matt Goff
      Image author: Matt Goff ©

      Starrigavan Ridge, near Sitka, AK, USA (photographer is not positive about identity of plant)
    4. Primula tschuktschorumPrimula tschuktschorum
      Original image
      Matt Goff
      Image author: Matt Goff ©

      Starrigavan Ridge, near Sitka, AK, USA (photographer is not positive about identity of plant)

  1. Puccinellia angustata

    1. Puccinellia angustataPuccinellia angustata
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: L.L. Consaul and L.J. Gillespie ?
      Close-up of inflorescence. Close-up of pre-anthesis inflorescence,
      Nunavut, Ellesmere Island, Tanquary Camp, Ellesmere Island National Park Reserve, 81?24'N, 76?52'W. Pebble-sand bank on S shore of MacDonald River Delta, 1.5 km NE of camp. 21 July 1999. Canada.
    2. Puccinellia angustataPuccinellia angustata
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: L.L. Consaul and L.J. Gillespie ?
      Close-up of plant. Plant growing in silt with small rocks and pebbles, and with a yellow/white deposit at surface. Inflorescence diffuse.
      Nunavut, Ellesmere Island, Hazen Camp, N shore of Lake Hazen, Ellesmere Island National Park Reserve, 81?49'N, 71?20'W. Blister Hill, SW facing slope beside tiny meandering runoff stream. 23 July 1999. Canada.
    3. Puccinellia angustataPuccinellia angustata
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Mollie MacCormac ?
      Plant habitat. Plants growing on dry calcareous sandy silt.
      Nunavut, Ellesmere Island, Franklin Pierce Bay 79?26'N, 75?37'W. Aiken 98-029. Canada.
    4. Puccinellia angustataPuccinellia angustata
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Mollie MacCormac ?
      Plant habitat. Plants growing on dry calcareous sandy silt.
      Nunavut, Ellesmere Island, Franklin Pierce Bay 79?26'N, 75?37'W. Aiken 98-029. Canada.
    5. Puccinellia angustataPuccinellia angustata
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Sorenson
      Spikelet drawing. <em>Puccinellia angustata</em> distinguished from <em>P. bruggemanni</em> by lemma margins straight and thinner in texture than the body, not as inrolled (Sorensen 1955).
      Drawing reproduced from Sorensen (1952), Meddeleser om Gr?nland, with permission.

  1. Puccinellia phryganodes

    1. Puccinellia phryganodesPuccinellia phryganodes
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Susan Aiken ?
      Close-up of inflorescence. Terminal spike with staminate flowers at the base seen as white anther filaments. Lateral spikes entirely pistillate.
      Baffin Island, Iqaluit. Nunavut, Canada.
    2. Puccinellia phryganodesPuccinellia phryganodes
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Aiken and Brysting ?
      Close-up of plant. Green plants between the markers growing in a saline meadow with <em>Puccinellia phryganodes</em>. Long flowering stems are prostrate on the substrate.
    3. Puccinellia phryganodesPuccinellia phryganodes
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Susan Aiken ?
      Close-up of plants. Plant 10-15 cm tall. Inflorescence multispicate with spikes close together.
      Nunavut, Baffin Island, Iqaluit. Aiken 97-027, Canada.
    4. Puccinellia phryganodesPuccinellia phryganodes
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Susan Aiken ?
      Close-up of plants. Slightly flexuous stems, taller than the leaves. Scale bar in cm.
      Nunavut, Baffin Island, Iqaluit, Canada.
    5. Puccinellia phryganodesPuccinellia phryganodes
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Susan Aiken ?
      Plants in habitat. Gray-green, prostrate plants growing in a saline meadow. Scale bar in cm.
      Nunavut, Baffin Island, Iqaluit, Canada.

  1. Puccinellia vahliana

    1. Puccinellia vahlianaPuccinellia vahliana
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Mollie MacCormac ?
      Close-up of inflorescence. Note some spikelets at anthesis. Lemmas purplish towards the base with a wide transparent margin towards the apex.
      Nunavut, Ellesmere Island, at Scoresby Bay, 79?53'N, 71?33'W. Aiken 98-008. Canada.
    2. Puccinellia vahlianaPuccinellia vahliana
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: unknown
      Close-up of plant in laboratory.
      Nunavut, Cornwallis Island, Resolute Bay, collected near Thule site. Canada.
    3. Puccinellia vahlianaPuccinellia vahliana
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Mollie MacCormac ?
      Close-up of plant. Plants growing on flood plain of calcareous gravel and silt.
      Nunavut, Ellesmere Island, at Scoresby Bay, 79?53'N, 71?33'W. Aiken 98-008. Canada.
    4. Puccinellia vahlianaPuccinellia vahliana
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: unknown
      Diagnostic curly roots on plant from Thule site.
      Nunavut, Cornwallis Island, Resolute Bay, Canada.

  1. Pyrola asarifolia

    1. Pyrola asarifoliaPyrola asarifolia
      Original image
      Finnish Tree of Life
      Image author: Markku Savela ©

      July 2006, Cabin Mountain, WA, USA
    2. Pyrola asarifoliaPyrola asarifolia
      Original image
      Finnish Tree of Life
      Image author: Markku Savela ©

      July 2006, Cabin Mountain, WA, USA
    3. Pyrola asarifoliaPyrola asarifolia
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database
      Image author: Gary A. Monroe ©

      1994, Plumas County, California
    4. Pyrola asarifoliaPyrola asarifolia
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database
      Image author: Mary Clay Stensvold ©

      Southeast Alaska, Yakutat forelands

  1. Pyrola grandiflora

    1. Pyrola grandifloraPyrola grandiflora
      Original image
      Wildflowers: A Closer Look
      Image author: Reny Parker ©
      Close-up of flowers
      Denali National Park, AK, USA; 6/25/02
    2. Pyrola grandifloraPyrola grandiflora
      Original image
      Alaska Geobotany Center
      Image author: E. Barbour

      Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA; June 29, 2007
    3. Pyrola grandifloraPyrola grandiflora
      Original image
      Alaska Geobotany Center
      Image author: M.K. Raynolds ©

      Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA; June 29, 2007
    4. Pyrola grandifloraPyrola grandiflora
      Original image
      Alaska Geobotany Center
      Image author: M.K. Raynolds ©

      Toolik Field Station, Alaska, USA; June 29, 2007
    5. Pyrola grandifloraPyrola grandiflora
      Original image
      Canada's Polar Life
      Image author: Hebert PDN, Wearing-Wilde J, eds. CyberNatural Software, University of Guelph. Revised 2002.
      Flowering plant

Return to top


  1. Paludella squarrosa

    1. Paludella squarrosaPaludella squarrosa
      Original image
      Photography &amp; Botanical Page
      Image author: Ilkka Korpela ©

      Finland, 1997
    2. Paludella squarrosaPaludella squarrosa
      Original image
      Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

      Europe, 2004
    3. Paludella squarrosaPaludella squarrosa
      Original image
      Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

      Norway, 2004
    4. Paludella squarrosaPaludella squarrosa
      Original image
      World Wide Meta Museum, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Morbegno, Lombardia e del Trentino, Lomba
      Image author: R. Ferranti ©
      <em>Paludella squarrosa</em>, a rare boreo-artic moss, present in Italy only in few areas of the Lombardia and Trentino regions.

  1. Pannaria pezizoides

    1. Pannaria pezizoidesPannaria pezizoides
      Original image
      Flora of Iceland
      Image author: Hörður Kristinsson ©

      1999, Iceland
    2. Pannaria pezizoidesPannaria pezizoides
      Original image
      Lichens of North America
      Image author: Stephen & Sylvia Sharnoff

      on tundra soil along the Denali Highway, Alaska.
    3. Pannaria pezizoidesPannaria pezizoides
      Original image
      WTU Herbarium Image Collection
      Image author: Jim Riley ©

  1. Parmelia

    1. ParmeliaParmelia
      Original image
      Plant Gallery
      Image author: Leif & Anita Stridvall ©
      example species, <em>Parmelia saxatilis</em>, on nutrient-enriched acid stone
      Sweden, 9/19/2002
    2. ParmeliaParmelia
      Original image
      Plant Gallery
      Image author: Leif & Anita Stridvall ©
      example species, <em>Parmelia omphalodes</em>, on acid rock,
      Sweden, 4/18/03
    3. ParmeliaParmelia
      Original image
      Plant Gallery
      Image author: Leif &amp; Anita Stridvall ©
      example species, <em>Parmelia saxatilis</em>, on nutrient-enriched acid stone
      Sweden, 9/19/2002
    4. ParmeliaParmelia
      Original image
      Plant Gallery
      Image author: Leif &amp; Anita Stridvall ©
      example species, <em>Parmelia sulcata</em>, on <em>Populus</em>,
      Sweden, 6/22/03

  1. Parmelia septentrionalis

    1. Parmelia septentrionalisParmelia septentrionalis
      Original image
      Environment Canada:Terrestrial Ecosystems Protocols
      Image author: Irwin Brodo, Sylvia Duran Sharnoff, and Stephen Sharnoff

    2. Parmelia septentrionalisParmelia septentrionalis
      Original image
      University of Helsinki
      Image author: unknown

    3. Parmelia septentrionalisParmelia septentrionalis
      Original image
      Wikimedia Commons image
      Image author: Ed Uebel

      Collected July 1981, Growing on Picea branches near Bush Bay, 6 miles E. of Cedarville, Mackinac County, Michigan, USA, currently in the Lichen Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden. Collected by Richard E. Reifner.
    4. Parmelia septentrionalisParmelia septentrionalis
      Original image
      Wikimedia Commons image
      Image author: Ed Uebel

      Collected July 1981, Growing on Picea branches near Bush Bay, 6 miles E. of Cedarville, Mackinac County, Michigan, USA, currently in the Lichen Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden. Collected by Richard E. Reifner.
    5. Parmelia septentrionalisParmelia septentrionalis
      Original image
      Wikimedia Commons image
      Image author: Ed Uebel

      Collected June 1974, Growing on the trunk of a ten foot high Hemlock along the S bank of the St. John's River, 20 miles W of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada. Now in the Lichen Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden. Collected by A. Norden and B. Norden.

  1. Peltigera

    1. PeltigeraPeltigera
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©
      Peltigera aphthosa, example species
      Norway, Buskerud, Sigdal, 8/30/03
    2. PeltigeraPeltigera
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©
      Peltigera aphthosa, example species
      Sigdal 9/29/01
    3. PeltigeraPeltigera
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Reidar Haugan ©
      Peltigera aphthosa, example species
      Soer-Fron 1989
    4. PeltigeraPeltigera
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©
      Peltigera canina, example species
      Vinje 4/14/01
    5. PeltigeraPeltigera
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©
      Peltigera collina, example species
      Norway, Troms, Storfjord 8/6/03

  1. Peltigera apthosa

    1. Peltigera apthosaPeltigera apthosa
      Original image
      Plant Gallery
      Image author: Leif & Anita Stridvall ©
      On shaded north-facing cliff-shelf
      7/20/03 Sweden
    2. Peltigera apthosaPeltigera apthosa
      Original image
      Plant Gallery
      Image author: Leif &amp; Anita Stridvall ©
      Close-up of thallus; on shaded soil in deciduous woodland
      Sweden, 7/17/04
    3. Peltigera apthosaPeltigera apthosa
      Original image
      Plant Gallery
      Image author: Leif &amp; Anita Stridvall ©
      Large clump with curled lobes; on acid soil in Pinus woodland.
      Sweden, 8/29/03
    4. Peltigera apthosaPeltigera apthosa
      Original image
      Plant Gallery
      Image author: Leif &amp; Anita Stridvall ©
      On acid soil in coniferous woodland
      8/23/03 Sweden
    5. Peltigera apthosaPeltigera apthosa
      Original image
      Plant Gallery
      Image author: Leif &amp; Anita Stridvall ©
      On acid soil in Pinus woodland
      8/29/03 Sweden
    6. Peltigera apthosaPeltigera apthosa
      Original image
      Plant Gallery
      Image author: Leif &amp; Anita Stridvall ©
      On shaded north-facing cliff-shelf
      7/20/03 Sweden

  1. Peltigera canina

    1. Peltigera caninaPeltigera canina
      Original image
      Bev Wigney's nature photography galleries
      Image author: Bev Wigney ©

      Ragged Chutes, Ontario, Canada, 10/6/02
    2. Peltigera caninaPeltigera canina
      Original image
      British Lichen Society Field meeting
      Image author: Randolph Kricke &amp; Manfred Jensen ©

      Jersey, 3/01
    3. Peltigera caninaPeltigera canina
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©
      example species, Mycobilimbia fissuriseda
      Vinje 4/14/01

  1. Peltigera polydactyla

    1. Peltigera polydactylaPeltigera polydactyla
      Original image
      PBase: Terri Steele
      Image author: Terri Steele
      Example of Peltigera neopolydactyla, usdaID pene12
    2. Peltigera polydactylaPeltigera polydactyla
      Original image
      Wikipedia image
      Image author: Konrad Lackerbeck

  1. Peltigera scabrosa

    1. Peltigera scabrosaPeltigera scabrosa
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©

      August 2003, Dtorfjord, Troms, Norway
    2. Peltigera scabrosaPeltigera scabrosa
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©

      August 2003, Dtorfjord, Troms, Norway
    3. Peltigera scabrosaPeltigera scabrosa
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©

      August 2003, Dtorfjord, Troms, Norway
    4. Peltigera scabrosaPeltigera scabrosa
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©

      August 2003, Dtorfjord, Troms, Norway
    5. Peltigera scabrosaPeltigera scabrosa
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©

      October 2005, Sel, Oppland, Norway

  1. Peltigera spuria sorediata

    1. Peltigera spuria sorediataPeltigera spuria sorediata
      Original image
      Image author: J.C. Schou ©

    2. Peltigera spuria sorediataPeltigera spuria sorediata
      Original image
      Flora of Iceland
      Image author: Hörður Kristinsson ©

    3. Peltigera spuria sorediataPeltigera spuria sorediata
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©

      August 2003, Storfjord, Troms, Norway
    4. Peltigera spuria sorediataPeltigera spuria sorediata
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©

      October 2003, Oerland, SoerTroendelag, Norway

  1. Pertusaria spp.

    1. PertusariaPertusaria
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©
      Crust with apothecia; <em>Pertusaria dactylina</em>, example species
      Norway, Troms, Storfjord, 8/9/03.
    2. PertusariaPertusaria
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©
      Crust; <em>Pertusaria dactylina</em>, example species
      Norway, Troms, Storfjord, 8/9/03.
    3. PertusariaPertusaria
      Original image
      Plant Gallery
      Image author: Leif &amp; Anita Stridvall ©
      Close-up of apothecia; soil on siliceous rock; <em>Pertusaria dactylina</em>, example species
      Sweden, 8/24/05

  1. Pertusaria dactylina

    1. Pertusaria dactylinaPertusaria dactylina
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©

      August 2003, Storfjord, Troms, Norway
    2. Pertusaria dactylinaPertusaria dactylina
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©

      August 2003, Storfjord, Troms, Norway

  1. Philonotis fontana pumila

    1. Philonotis fontana pumilaPhilonotis fontana pumila
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    2. Philonotis fontana pumilaPhilonotis fontana pumila
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    3. Philonotis fontana pumilaPhilonotis fontana pumila
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    4. Philonotis fontana pumilaPhilonotis fontana pumila
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©


  1. Plagiomnium ellipticum

    1. Plagiomnium ellipticumPlagiomnium ellipticum
      Original image
      Wisconsin Bryophytes, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©
      Close-up of stems
      Europe, 2005
    2. Plagiomnium ellipticumPlagiomnium ellipticum
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    3. Plagiomnium ellipticumPlagiomnium ellipticum
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    4. Plagiomnium ellipticumPlagiomnium ellipticum
      Original image
      Wisconsin Bryophytes, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©
      Close-up of stems
      Europe, 2004
    5. Plagiomnium ellipticumPlagiomnium ellipticum
      Original image
      Wisconsin Bryophytes, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©
      Close-up of stems
      Europe, 2005
    6. Plagiomnium ellipticumPlagiomnium ellipticum
      Original image
      Wisconsin Bryophytes, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©
      Many stems
      Europe, 2004
    7. Plagiomnium ellipticumPlagiomnium ellipticum
      Original image
      Image author: J.C. Schou ©

    8. Plagiomnium ellipticumPlagiomnium ellipticum
      Original image
      Dr. Ralf Wagner
      Image author: Dr. Ralf Wagner


  1. Plagiomnium medium

    1. Plagiomnium mediumPlagiomnium medium
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    2. Plagiomnium mediumPlagiomnium medium
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    3. Plagiomnium mediumPlagiomnium medium
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©


  1. Pleurozium schreberi

    1. Pleurozium schreberiPleurozium schreberi
      Original image
      Natural History of Richmond
      Image author: Kent Brothers ©

      Lulu Island Bog, Richmond, BC, Canada.
    2. Pleurozium schreberiPleurozium schreberi
      Original image
      Bryophytes of North America
      Image author: Michael Simpson ©

    3. Pleurozium schreberiPleurozium schreberi
      Original image
      Donegal Hedgerow
      Image author: Stuart Dunlop ©

      Donegal, Ireland, 12/8/05
    4. Pleurozium schreberiPleurozium schreberi
      Original image
      Månadens kryptogam
      Image author: Lars Hedenas ©

    5. Pleurozium schreberiPleurozium schreberi
      Original image
      Sights of Shiretoko
      Image author: unknown

      Nov 23, '03

  1. Pogonatum urnigerum

    1. Pogonatum urnigerumPogonatum urnigerum
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    2. Pogonatum urnigerumPogonatum urnigerum
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    3. Pogonatum urnigerumPogonatum urnigerum
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    4. Pogonatum urnigerumPogonatum urnigerum
      Original image
      Wikimedia Commons image
      Image author: Kristian Peters

    5. Pogonatum urnigerumPogonatum urnigerum
      Original image
      Wikimedia Commons image
      Image author: Kristian Peters


  1. Pohlia

    1. PohliaPohlia
      Original image
      Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©
      Close-up of stems; example species, <em>Pohlia wahlenbergii</em>
      Europe 2004
    2. PohliaPohlia
      Original image
      Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©
      Close-up of stems; example species, <em>Pohlia wahlenbergii</em> var <em>glacialis</em>
      Norway, 2004
    3. PohliaPohlia
      Original image
      Flora of Iceland
      Image author: Hörður Kristinsson ©
      Stems with capsules; example species, <em>Pohlia wahlenbergii</em>
    4. PohliaPohlia
      Original image
      Norwegian plant list
      Image author: Jan Egil Bj?rndal ©
      Carpet of stems; example species, <em>Pohlia wahlenbergii</em>

  1. Pohlia cruda

    1. Pohlia crudaPohlia cruda
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    2. Pohlia crudaPohlia cruda
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    3. Pohlia crudaPohlia cruda
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    4. Pohlia crudaPohlia cruda
      Original image
      Finnish Tree of Life
      Image author: Harri Arkkio ©

      May 2005, Jumesniemi, Hämeenkyrö, Finland
    5. Pohlia crudaPohlia cruda
      Original image
      Finnish Tree of Life
      Image author: Harri Arkkio ©

      May 2005, Pikku-Ahvenisto, Ylöjärvi, Finland

  1. Pohlia nutans

    1. Pohlia nutansPohlia nutans
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    2. Pohlia nutansPohlia nutans
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    3. Pohlia nutansPohlia nutans
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    4. Pohlia nutansPohlia nutans
      Original image
      Image author: J.C. Schou ©

    5. Pohlia nutansPohlia nutans
      Original image
      Image author: J.C. Schou ©

  1. Polytrichastrum alpinum

    1. Polytrichastrum alpinumPolytrichastrum alpinum
      Original image
      University of British Columbia, Biology 321
      Image author: Kent Brothers ©

    2. Polytrichastrum alpinumPolytrichastrum alpinum
      Original image
      Patagonian biota
      Image author: J. Hyvönen ©

      photographs taken during Finnish expeditions to the southern South America in 1969-70 (H. Roivainen), 1989 (S. Stenroos), 1991-92 and 1999 (J. Hyvönen &amp; S. Stenroos). C. Guanaco, P.N. TdF
    3. Polytrichastrum alpinumPolytrichastrum alpinum
      Original image
      Patagonian biota
      Image author: J. Hyvönen ©

      photographs taken during Finnish expeditions to the southern South America in 1969-70 (H. Roivainen), 1989 (S. Stenroos), 1991-92 and 1999 (J. Hyvönen &amp; S. Stenroos). C. Guanaco, P.N. TdF
    4. Polytrichastrum alpinumPolytrichastrum alpinum
      Original image
      Patagonian biota
      Image author: J. Hyvönen ©

      photographs taken during Finnish expeditions to the southern South America in 1969-70 (H. Roivainen), 1989 (S. Stenroos), 1991-92 and 1999 (J. Hyvönen &amp; S. Stenroos). C. Guanaco, P.N. TdF

  1. Polytrichum

    1. PolytrichumPolytrichum
      Original image
      Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©
      example species, <em>Polytrichum juniperinum</em>; Close-up of stems
      Neotropics (Brazil &amp; Venezuela), 2003
    2. PolytrichumPolytrichum
      Original image
      Bryophytes of North America
      Image author: Michael Simpson ©
      example species, <em>Polytrichum juniperinum</em>; Carpet of stems
    3. PolytrichumPolytrichum
      Original image
      Flora of Iceland
      Image author: Hörður Kristinsson ©
      example species, <em>Polytrichum juniperinum</em>; Stems with capsules

  1. Polytrichum commune

    1. Polytrichum communePolytrichum commune
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    2. Polytrichum communePolytrichum commune
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    3. Polytrichum communePolytrichum commune
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    4. Polytrichum communePolytrichum commune
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    5. Polytrichum communePolytrichum commune
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©


  1. Polytrichum hyperboreum

    1. Polytrichum hyperboreumPolytrichum hyperboreum
      Original image
      Norway 2004 - Pictures of Bryophytes - M. Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

      2004, Norway
    2. Polytrichum hyperboreumPolytrichum hyperboreum
      Original image
      Norway 2004 - Pictures of Bryophytes - M. Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

      2004, Norway

  1. Polytrichum juniperinum

    1. Polytrichum juniperinumPolytrichum juniperinum
      Original image
      Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©
      Close-up of stems
      Neotropics (Brazil &amp; Venezuela), 2003
    2. Polytrichum juniperinumPolytrichum juniperinum
      Original image
      Bryophytes of North America
      Image author: Michael Simpson ©
      Carpet of stems
    3. Polytrichum juniperinumPolytrichum juniperinum
      Original image
      British Bryological Society
      Image author: Ian Atherton ©
      A carpet of <em>Polytrichum juniperinum</em> in fruit on a recently burnt area of heath at Thursley Common, Surrey. This species often follows <em>Funaria hygrometrica</em> in succession on burnt heathland.
      Hampshire, Great Britain
    4. Polytrichum juniperinumPolytrichum juniperinum
      Original image
      Dereila Nature Inn
      Image author: Derrick Ditchburn ©

      British Columbia, Canada
    5. Polytrichum juniperinumPolytrichum juniperinum
      Original image
      Flora of Iceland
      Image author: Hörður Kristinsson ©
      Stems with capsules

  1. Polytrichum piliferum

    1. Polytrichum piliferumPolytrichum piliferum
      Original image
      Image author: J.C. Schou ©

    2. Polytrichum piliferumPolytrichum piliferum
      Original image
      Image author: J.C. Schou ©

    3. Polytrichum piliferumPolytrichum piliferum
      Original image
      Image author: J.C. Schou ©

    4. Polytrichum piliferumPolytrichum piliferum
      Original image
      Image author: Li Zhang ©

      Utah, USA, August 2004
    5. Polytrichum piliferumPolytrichum piliferum
      Original image
      Flora of Iceland
      Image author: Hörður Kristinsson ©


  1. Polytrichum strictum

    1. Polytrichum strictumPolytrichum strictum
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©
      2004. Pictures of Bryophytes from Europe [CD-ROM]. Published by the author. Usage Guidelines.
    2. Polytrichum strictumPolytrichum strictum
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©
      2004. Pictures of Bryophytes from Europe [CD-ROM]. Published by the author. Usage Guidelines.
    3. Polytrichum strictumPolytrichum strictum
      Original image
      Wisconsin Bryophytes, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

      Europe, 2004
    4. Polytrichum strictumPolytrichum strictum
      Original image
      Eesti taimed
      Image author: M. Pedaste ©

  1. Porpidia

    1. PorpidiaPorpidia
      Original image
      Lichens of North America
      Image author: Stephen &amp; Sylvia Sharnoff ©
      <em>Porpidia flavocaerulescens</em>, example species ('orange boulder lichen') on rock. The black discs are fruiting bodies of the lichen fungus. Dark lines form where two individual lichens meet.
      along the Denali Highway, AK, USA.

  1. Pseudephebe pubescens

    1. Pseudephebe pubescensPseudephebe pubescens
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©

      Norway, Buskerud, Sigdal - 7/3/03
    2. Pseudephebe pubescensPseudephebe pubescens
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©

      Norway, Buskerud, Sigdal - 7/3/03
    3. Pseudephebe pubescensPseudephebe pubescens
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©

      Sigdal 6/23/02
    4. Pseudephebe pubescensPseudephebe pubescens
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©

      Sigdal 6/23/02
    5. Pseudephebe pubescensPseudephebe pubescens
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©

      Vaagaa 8/23/01

  1. Pseudocalliergon turgescens

    1. Pseudocalliergon turgescensPseudocalliergon turgescens
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    2. Pseudocalliergon turgescensPseudocalliergon turgescens
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    3. Pseudocalliergon turgescensPseudocalliergon turgescens
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©


  1. Psoroma hypnorum

    1. Psoroma hypnorumPsoroma hypnorum
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©
      Close-up of thallus with apothecia
      Norway, Finnmark, Alta - 8/13/04
    2. Psoroma hypnorumPsoroma hypnorum
      Original image
      Lichen Herbarium, Natural History Museum, University of Oslo
      Image author: Einar Timdal ©
      Thallus with apothecia
      Norway, Finnmark, Alta - 8/13/04
    3. Psoroma hypnorumPsoroma hypnorum
      Original image
      Plant Gallery
      Image author: Leif &amp; Anita Stridvall ©
      On damp soil
      8/26/05 Sweden
    4. Psoroma hypnorumPsoroma hypnorum
      Original image
      Plant Gallery
      Image author: Leif &amp; Anita Stridvall ©
      On forest path
      8/2/05 Sweden
    5. Psoroma hypnorumPsoroma hypnorum
      Original image
      Plant Gallery
      Image author: Leif &amp; Anita Stridvall ©
      On moist ground
      8/20/06 Sweden

  1. Ptilidium ciliare

    1. Ptilidium ciliarePtilidium ciliare
      Original image
      Moss Images
      Image author: D.A. Callaghan ©
      In grass heath of moorland on mountain slope
      4/16/05 Great Britain
    2. Ptilidium ciliarePtilidium ciliare
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©
      2004. Pictures of Bryophytes from Europe [CD-ROM]. Published by the author. Usage Guidelines.
    3. Ptilidium ciliarePtilidium ciliare
      Original image
      Flora of Iceland
      Image author: Hörður Kristinsson ©
      Close-up of stems

  1. Ptilium crista-castrensis

    1. Ptilium crista-castrensisPtilium crista-castrensis
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    2. Ptilium crista-castrensisPtilium crista-castrensis
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    3. Ptilium crista-castrensisPtilium crista-castrensis
      Original image
      USDA PLANTS Database, Courtesy of Michael Lüth
      Image author: Michael Lüth ©

    4. Ptilium crista-castrensisPtilium crista-castrensis
      Original image
      Wagner Natural Area Photo Gallery
      Image author: Leota Cummins

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