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Alphabetical List

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Vascular plantsNonvascular plants


  1. Silene

    1. SileneSilene
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: A. Brysting ?
      <em>Silene acaulis</em>, example species. Plants forming compact, hemispherical or flat cushions up to 50 cm in diameter.
      Iceland, Bolungarv?k, Stigahli_, alt. 400-590, 66?11'N, 23?22'W. June 1995.
    2. SileneSilene
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: J.M. Gillett ?
      <em>Silene involucrata</em>, example species. Plants growing on disturbed gravel.
      Nunavut, Baffin Island, Iqaluit, 26 July 1982. Canada.
    3. SileneSilene
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Susan Aiken ?
      <em>Silene sorensis</em>, example species. Plants in flower, growing in gravel. Note fused, ovoid shaped calyx that is barely inflated and with prominent reddish lines; white, notched petals. Scale bar in cm.
      Banks Island, Aulavik National Park, 9 July, 1999, Aiken 99-036. Canada.
    4. SileneSilene
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: J.M. Gillett ?
      <em>Silene uralensis</em>, example species. Plants growing in a sheltered gully.
      N.W.T., Banks Island, Sachs Harbour, 27 July 1981. Canada.

  1. Silene acaulis

    1. Silene acaulisSilene acaulis
      Original image
      Finnish Tree of Life
      Image author: Harri Arkkio ©
      Flowering cushion
      Finland, Kilpisjärvi, 7/25/04
    2. Silene acaulisSilene acaulis
      Original image
      Finnish Tree of Life
      Image author: Harri Arkkio ©
      Flowering cushion
      Finland, Kilpisjärvi, 7/25/04
    3. Silene acaulisSilene acaulis
      Original image
      Plant Image Gallery - Caryophyllaceae
      Image author: Thomas Schoepke ©
      Close-up of flower
      European Alps, San Bernardino, Switzerland

  1. Silene involucrata

    1. Silene involucrataSilene involucrata
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: R. Elven ?
      Closeup of calyx and fruits. trongly inflated and pigmented calyces enclose the capsule. The dark pigmentation in the fruiting stage (but not in the flowering stage) may increase temperatures and enhance the seed maturation.
      Aug 1996, Odindalen Valley, Dickson Land, Svalbard
    2. Silene involucrataSilene involucrata
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: J.M. Gillett ?
      Leaves mainly in a basal tuft; stem leaves opposite.
      July 1982, Iqaluit, Baffin Island, Nunavut
    3. Silene involucrataSilene involucrata
      Original image
      The Flora of Svalbard
      Image author: Bjørn Erik Sandbakk
      Selene involucrata ssp. furcata
      2002, Colesdalen, Svalbard
    4. Silene involucrataSilene involucrata
      Original image
      The Flora of Svalbard
      Image author: Bjørn Erik Sandbakk
      Selene involucrata ssp. furcata
      2002, Colesdalen, Svalbard
    5. Silene involucrataSilene involucrata
      Original image
      The Flora of Svalbard
      Image author: Inger Greve Alsos
      Selene involucrata ssp. furcata
      2006, Sassendalen, Svalbard

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