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Alphabetical List

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Vascular plantsNonvascular plants


  1. Stellaria

    1. StellariaStellaria
      Original image
      Alaskan Wildflowers
      Image author: Mary Hopson ©
      <em>Stellaria alaskana</em>, example species
      Flattop Mtn, AK, USA
    2. StellariaStellaria
      Original image
      Flora Danica Online
      Image author: The National Library and Copenhagen University Library ©
      <em>Stellaria borealis</em>, example species
    3. StellariaStellaria
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Aiken and Brysting ?
      <em>Stellaria humifusa</em>, example species. Plants growing prostrate on and sprawling across imperfectly drained mud flats in extensive salt meadow.
      Manitoba, Churchill, Beech Bay, in the tidal estuary of the Churchill River, south of the Port, 58?44'N, 94?10'W. Canada.
    4. StellariaStellaria
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Aiken and Brysting ?
      <em>Stellaria longipes</em>, example species. Plant similar in appearance to <em>S. monantha</em> but fresh green and shiny.
      Nunavut, Rankin Inlet, adjacent to the graveyard, 62?48'N, 92? 06'W. Canada.
    5. StellariaStellaria
      Original image
      Plant list, Katholieke Universiteite Leuven, Campus te Kortrijk
      Image author: unknown
      <em>Stellaria media</em>, example species
      Katholieke Universiteite Leuven, Campus te Kortrijk, Netherlands

  1. Stellaria humifusa

    1. Stellaria humifusaStellaria humifusa
      Original image
      Flora of Iceland
      Image author: Hörður Kristinsson ©

    2. Stellaria humifusaStellaria humifusa
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Aiken and Brysting ?
      Close-up of flower. The 5 petals are deeply cleft, longer than the calyx; 10 stamens (the inner whorl at anthesis and the outer whorl still at pre-anthesis) and 3 styles.
      Manitoba, Churchill, Beech Bay, in the tidal estuary of the Churchill River, south of the Port, 58?44'N, 94?10'W. Canada.
    3. Stellaria humifusaStellaria humifusa
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Aiken and Brysting ?
      Close-up of plant. Plants growing prostrate on and sprawling across imperfectly drained mud flats in extensive salt meadow.
      Manitoba, Churchill, Beech Bay, in the tidal estuary of the Churchill River, south of the Port, 58?44'N, 94?10'W. Canada.
    4. Stellaria humifusaStellaria humifusa
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Aiken and Brysting ?
      Close-up of plant. Plants growing prostrate on and sprawling across imperfectly drained mud flats in extensive salt meadow.
      Manitoba, Churchill, Beech Bay, in the tidal estuary of the Churchill River, south of the Port, 58?44'N, 94?10'W. Canada.
    5. Stellaria humifusaStellaria humifusa
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: R. Elven ?
      Flowering plants. Clayey salt-marsh with <em>Stellaria humifusa</em> dominating, and with scattered shoots of <em>Puccinellia phryganodes</em> (ssp. <em>vilfoidea</em>).
      Norway: Svalbard, Dickson Land, Vestfjorden. Aug. 1996.

  1. Stellaria laeta

    1. Stellaria laetaStellaria laeta
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Aiken and Brysting ?
      Blue-green plant characteristic in appearance to S. monantha
      Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, Canada, 62?48'N, 92?06'W.
    2. Stellaria laetaStellaria laeta
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Aiken and Brysting ?
      flowers solitary in the axils of normal green leaves or in few-flowered inflorescences with leaf-like bracts.
      Rankin Inlet, Nunavut, Canada, 62?48'N, 92?06'W.
    3. Stellaria laetaStellaria laeta
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Aiken and Brysting ?
      Isolated plants in dry calcareous gravel
      near Northern Studies Centre, Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, 58?44.15'N, 93?49.09'W
    4. Stellaria laetaStellaria laeta
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Aiken and Brysting ?
      Leaves lanceolate and strongly keeled
      near Northern Studies Centre, Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, 58?44.15'N, 93?49.09'W
    5. Stellaria laetaStellaria laeta
      Original image
      Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago
      Image author: Aiken and Brysting ?
      The 5 petals are deeply cleft, longer than the sepals; 3 styles and 10 stamens (here at post-anthesis).
      near Northern Studies Centre, Churchill, Manitoba, Canada, 58?44.15'N, 93?49.09'W

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