Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Unit P1
- Vegetation
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- Bioclimate Subzones
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B1B1. Cryptogam, herb barren -
B2B2. Cryptogam barren complex (bedrock) -
B3B3. Noncarbonate mountain complex -
B4B4. Carbonate mountain complex ||
Graminoid Tundras:
G1G1. Rush/grass, forb, cryptogam tundra -
G2G2. Graminoid, prostrate dwarf-shrub, forb tundra -
G3G3. Non-tussock sedge, dwarf-shrub, moss tundra -
G4G4. Tussock-sedge, dwarf-shrub, moss tundra ||
Prostrate-shrub Tundras:
P1P1. Prostrate dwarf-shrub, herb tundra -
P2P2. Prostrate/hemiprostrate dwarf-shrub tundra ||
Erect-shrub Tundras:
S1S1. Erect dwarf-shrub tundra -
S2S2. Low-shrub tundra ||
W1W1. Sedge/grass, moss wetland -
W2W2. Sedge, moss, dwarf-shrub wetland -
W3W3. Sedge, moss, low-shrub wetland
Hierarchy of Geobotanical Vegetation Map Units (Walker DA 2002)
P1. Prostrate dwarf-shrub, herb tundra
Dry tundra with patchy vegetation. Prostrate shrubs <5 cm tall (such as Dryas and Salix arctica) are dominant, with graminoids and forbs. Lichens are also common. Subzone B and Subzone C.
Detailed Description
Dry tundra of the Middle Arctic (sensu Polunin 1951; polar semideserts of Bliss 1997). This is the zonal vegetation of Subzone B and also covers large dry areas in Subzone C. The vegetation is open or patchy (20-80% cover), with plants 5-10 cm tall. Vascular plants cover about 5-25%, lichens and mosses cover 30-60%. On nonacidic substrates of Subzone B the dominant zonal vegetation is Dryas - Salix arctica communities; on acidic substrates it is Luzula - Salix arctica.
Area: 399 x 1000 km2.
Representative Syntaxa
Communities of the class Carici-Kobresietea, e.g., Carici-Dryadetum integrifoliae Dan. 1982 ( Greenland, North America), and Loiseleurio-Vaccinietea , e.g., Gymnomitrio-Loiseleurietum Dan. 1982 (Greenland).
Dominant Plants
Prostrate dwarf-shrubs are dominant. Other common plants include sedges, rushes, grasses, forbs, and lichens. In Subzone C this vegetation is much richer in vascular species, particularly sedges, grasses, and forbs.
- Prostrate dwarf shrubs: Dryasn; Salix arctica; Salix polaris; Salix rotundifolia; Salix phlebophylla;
- Sedge: Eriophorum triste; Carex rupestrisn;
- Rush: Luzula confusaa; Luzula nivalisa; Juncus biglumis;
- Grass: Alopecurus alpinusa; Deschampsia;
- Forb: Saxifraga hirculus; Saxifraga caespitosaa; Saxifraga oppositifolian; Novosieversia glacialisn; Oxytropisn;
- Moss: Ditrichum flexicaulen; Distichiumn; Sanionia uncinata; Encalypta; Pohlia; Polytrichum; Hylocomium splendens; Aulacomnium turgidum; Tomentypnum nitensn;
- Lichen: Thamnolia; Flavocetraria;
a=acidic, n=non-acidic