Posters and Talks - Reports
Journal Articles
- Bhatt, U.S., Walker, D.A., Raynolds, M.K., Comiso, J.C., Epstein, H.E., Jia, G.J., Gens, R., Pinzon, J.E., Tucker, C.J., Tweedie, C.E., Webber, P.J. 2010. Circumpolar Arctic tundra vegetation change is linked to sea-ice decline. Earth Interactions. 14:(8):1-20. PDF
- Bigelow, N.H., Brubaker, L.B., Edwards, M.E., Harrison, S.E., Prentice, I.C., Anderson, P.M., Andreev, A.A., Bartlein, P.J., Christensen, T.R., Cramer, W., Kaplan, J.O., Lozhkin, A.V., Matveyeva, N.V., Murray, D.F., McGuire, A.D., Razzhivin, Y.Y., Ritchie, J.C., Smith, B., Walker, D.A., Gajewski, K., Wolf, V., Holmqvist, B.H., Igarashi, Y., Kremenetskii, K.V., Paus, A., Pisaric, M.F.J., Volkova, V.S. 2003. Climate change and Arctic ecosystems I: Vegetation changes north of 55° N between the last glacial maximum, mid-Holocene and present. Journal of Geophysical Research. 108(D19). PDF. doi:10.1029/2002JD002558.
- Bockheim, J.G., D.A. Walker and Everett, L.R. 1997. Soil carbon distribution in nonacidic and acidic tundra of Arctic Alaska. Soil processes and the carbon cycl. pp. 143-155. PDF
- Bockheim, J.G., Walker, D.A., Everett, L.R., Nelson, F.E. and Shiklomanov, N.I. 1998. Soils and cryoturbation in moist nonacidic and acidic tundra in the Kuparuk river basin, arctic Alaska, USA. Arctic and Alpine Research. 30:(2):166-174. PDF
- Chapin, F.S.I., Sturm, M., Serreze, M.C., McFadden, J.P., Key, J.R., Lloyd, A.H., McGuire, A.D., Rupp, T.S., Lynch, A.H., Schimel, J.P., Beringer, J., Chapman, W.L., Epstein, H.E., Euskirchen, E.S., Hinzman, L.D., Jia, G., Ping, C.-L., Tape, K.D., Thompson, C.D.C., Walker, D.A., Welker, J.M. 2005. Role of land-surface changes in Arctic summer warming. Science. 310:(5748):657-660. PDF
- Daanen, R., Misra, D., Epstein, H.E. 2007. Active-layer hydrology in nonsorted circle ecosystems of the arctic tundra. Vadose Zone Journal. 6(4):694-704.
- Daniëls, F.J., Bültmann, H., Lünterbusch, C., Wilhelm, M. 2000. Vegetation zones and biodiversity of the North-American Arctic. Berichte der Reinhold-Tüxen-Gesellschaft. 12:131-151.
- Elvebakk, A. 1997. Tundra diversity and ecological characteristics of Svalbard. Wielgolaski, F.E. (eds.) Polar and Alpine Tundra. Elsevier. Amsterdam. pp. 347-399.
- Elvebakk, A., Elven, R., Razzhivin, V.Y. 1999. Delimitation, zonal and sectorial subdivision of the Arctic for the Panarctic Flora Project. The Species Concept in the High North - A Panarctic Flora Initiative. pp. 375-386. PDF
- Epstein, H.E., Beringer, J., Copass, C., Gould, W., Lloyd, A., Chapin III, F.S., Ping, C.L., Michaelson, G., Rupp, S., Walker, D.A. 2004. The nature of spatial transitions in arctic ecosytems. Journal of Biogeography. 31:1917-1933. PDF. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2004.01140.x.
- Epstein, H.E., Raynolds, M.K., Walker, D.A., Bhatt, U.S., Tucker, C.J., Pinzon, J.E. 2012. Dynamics of aboveground phytomass of the circumpolar arctic tundra during the past three decades. Environmental Research Letters. 7(1):12. PDF. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/1/015506.
- Epstein, H.E., Walker, D.A., Raynolds, M.K., Jia, G.J., Kelley, A.M. 2008. Phytomass patterns across a temperature gradient of the North American arctic tundra. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. 113:1-11. PDF
- Epstein, H.E., Yu, Q., Kaplan, J.O., Lischke, H. 2007. Simulating future changes in arctic and subarctic vegetation. Computing in Science and Engineering. 9(4):12-23. PDF. doi:10.1109/MCSE.2007.84.
- Evans, B.M., Walker, D.A., Benson, C.S., Nordstrand, E.A., Petersen, G.W. 1989. Spatial interrelationships between terrain, snow distribution and vegetation patterns at an arctic foothills site in Alaska. Holarctic Ecology. 12:270-278. PDF
- Goetz, S.J., Epstein, H.E., Alcaraz, J.D., Beck, P.S.A., Bhatt, U.S., Bunn, A., Comiso, J.C., Jia, G.J., Kaplan, J.O., Lilschke, H., Lloyd, A., Walker, D.A., Yu, Q. 2011. Recent changes in Arctic vegetation: Satellite observations and simulation model predictions. Eurasian Arctic Land Cover and Land Use in a Changing Climate. pp. 9-36. PDF
- Gould, W.A., Edlund, S., Zoltai, S., Raynolds, M.K., Walker, D.A., Maier, H.A. 2002. Canadian Arctic vegetation mapping. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 23(21):4597-4609. PDF. doi:10.1080/01431160110113962.
- Gould, W.A., Raynolds, M.A., Walker, D.A. 2003. Vegetation, plant biomass, and net primary productivity patterns in the Canadian Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research. 108(D2):1-14. PDF. doi:10.1029/2001JD000948.
- Gould, W.A., Walker, D.A., Biesboer, D. 2003. Combining research and education: Bioclimatic Zonation along a Canadian Arctic Transect. Arctic. 56:(1):45-54. PDF
- Hinzman, L.D., Bettez, N.D., Bolton, W.R., Chapin, F.S., III, Dyurgerov, M.B., Fastie, C.L., Griffith, B., Hollister, R.D., Hope, A., Huntington, H.P., Jensen, A., Jia, G.J., Jorgenson, T., Kane, D.L., Klein, D.R., Kofinas, G., Lynch, A.H., Lloyd, A.H., McGuire, A.D., Nelson, F., Oechel, W.C., Osterkamp, T.E., Racine, H.C., Romanovsky, V.E., Stone, R., Stow, D.A., Sturm, M., Tweedie, C.E., Vourlitis, G.L., Walker, M.D., Walker, D.A., Webber, P.J., Welker, J.M., Winker, K.S., Yoshikawa, K. 2005. Evidence and implications of recent climate change in northern Alaska and other Arctic regions. Climatic Change. 72:251-298. PDF. doi:10.1007/s10584-005-5352-2.
- Jia, G.J., Epstein, H.E., Walker, D.A. 2009. Vegetation greening in the Canadian Arctic related to decadal warming. Journal of Environmental Monitoring. 11:2231-2238. . doi:10.1039/B911677J.
- Jia, G.J., Epstein, H.E., Walker, D.A. 2004. Controls over intra-seasonal dynamics of AVHRR NDVI for the Arctic tundra in northern Alaska. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 25(9):1547-1564. PDF. doi:10.1080/0143116021000023925.
- Jia, G.J., Epstein, H.E., Walker, D.A. 2002. Spatial characteristics of AVHRR-NDVI along latitudinal transects in northern Alaska. Journal of Vegetation Science. 13:(3):315-326. PDF
- Kade, A., Romanovsky, V.E., Walker, D.A. 2006. The N-factor of nonsorted circles along a climate gradient in Arctic Alaska. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 17(4):279-289. PDF. doi:10.1002/ppp.563.
- Kade, A., Walker, D.A., Raynolds, M.K. 2005. Plant communities and soils in cryoturbated tundra along a bioclimate gradient in the Low Arctic, Alaska. Phytocoenologia. 35:761-820. PDF
- Kaplan, J.O., Bigelow, N.H., Prentice, I.C., Harrison, S.P., Bartlein, P.J., Christensen, T.R., Cramer, W., Matveyeva, N.V., McGuire, A.D., Murray, D.F., Razzhivin, V.Y., Smith, B., Walker, D.A., Anderson, P.M., Andreev, A.A., Brubaker, L.B., Edwards, M.E., Lozhkin, L.V. 2003. Climate change and Arctic ecosystems II: Modeling, paleodata-model comparisons, and future projections. Journal of Geophysical Research. 108 (D19). PDF. doi:10.1029/2002JD002559.
- Kataoka, M. 2009. ESRI Map Book, Volume 24. ESRI Press. Redlands, CA. 24(24). 120 . PDF - ESRI Map Book, Volume 24: Vegetation in the Vicinity of the Toolik Field Station, Alaska; Alaska Geobotany Center
- Kelley, A.M., Epstein, H.E. 2009. Effects of nitrogen fertilization on plant communities of nonsorted circles in moist nonacidic tundra, Northern Alaska. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 41(1):119-127. PDF. doi:10.1657/1523-0430-41.1.119.
- Kelley, A.M., Epstein, H.E., Ping, C.-L., Walker, D.A. 2012. Soil nitrogen transformations associated with small patterned-ground features along a North American Arctic transect. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 23:196-206. PDF. doi:10.1002/ppp.1748.
- Michaelson, G.J., Ping, C.L., Epstein, H., Kimble, J.M., Walker, D.A. 2008. Soils and frost boil ecosystems across the North American Arctic Transect. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. 113:G03S11, 10.1029/2007JG000672. PDF. doi:10.1029/2007JG000672.
- Muller, S.V., Racoviteanu, A.E., Walker, D.A. 1999. Landsat MSS-derived land-cover map of northern Alaska: extrapolation methods and a comparison with photo-interpreted and AVHRR-derived maps. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 20:2921-2946. PDF. doi:10.1080/014311699211543.
- Muller, S.V., Walker, D.A., Nelson, F.E., Auerbach, N., Bockheim, J., Guyer, S. and Sherba, D. 1998. Accuracy assessment of a land-cover map of the Kuparuk River basin, Alaska: considerations for remote regions. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing. 64:(6):619-628. PDF
- Nelson, F.E., Hinkel, K.M., Shiklomanov, N.I., Mueller, G.R., Miller, L.L., Walker, D.A. 1998. Active-layer thickness in north central Alaska: Systematic sampling, scale, and spatial autocorrelation. Journal of Geophysical Research. 103:(D22):28963-28973. PDF
- Nelson, F.E., Shiklomanov, N.I., Mueller, G.R., Hinkel, K.M., Walker, D.A. and Bockheim, J.G. 1997. Estimating active-layer thickness over a large region: Kuparuk River Basin, Alaska, USA. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 29:(4):367-378. PDF
- Ping, C.-L., Bockheim, J.G., Kimble, J.M., Michaelson, G.J., Walker, D.A. 1998. Characteristics of cryogenic soils along a latitudinal transect in Arctic Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research. 103:(D22):28917-28928. PDF
- Ping, C.-L., Michaelson, G.J., Kimble, J.M., Walker, D.A. 2005. Soil acidity and exchange properties of cryogenic soils in Arctic Alaska. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 51(5):649-653. PDF. doi:10.1111/j.1747-0765.2005.tb00083.x.
- Raynolds, M.K., Comiso, J.C., Walker, D.A., Verbyla, D. 2008. Relationship between satellite-derived land surface temperatures, arctic vegetation types, and NDVI. Remote Sensing of Environment. 112(4):1884-1894. PDF. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2007.09.008.
- Raynolds, M.K., Walker, D.A. 2009. Effects of deglaciation on circumpolar distribution of arctic vegetation. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 35:(2):118-129. PDF
- Raynolds, M.K., Walker, D.A., Epstein, H.E., Pinzon, J.E., Tucker, C.J. 2012. A new estimate of tundra-biome phytomass from trans-Arctic field data and AVHRR NDVI. Remote Sensing Letters. 3:403-411. PDF. doi:10.1080/01431161.2011.609188.
- Raynolds, M.K., Walker, D.A., Maier, H.A. 2006. NDVI patterns and phytomass distribution in the circumpolar Arctic. Remote Sensing of Environment. 102:271-281. PDF. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2006.02.016.
- Raynolds, M.K., Walker, D.A., Maier, H.A. 2005. Plant community-level mapping of arctic Alaska based on the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map. Phytocoenologia. 35:821-848. PDF. doi:10.1127/0340-269X/2005/0035-0821.
- Raynolds, M.K., Walker, D.A., Munger, C.A., Vonlanthen, C.M., Kade, A.N. 2008. A map analysis of patterned-ground along a North American Arctic Transect. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. 113:1-18. PDF. doi:10.1029/2007JG000512.
- Reeburgh, W.S., King, J.Y., Regli, S.K., Kling, G.W., Auerbach, N.A., Walker, D.A. 1998. A CH4 emission estimate for the Kuparuk River basin, Alaska. Journal of Geophysical Research. 103(D22):29,005-29,013. PDF. doi:10.1029/98JD00993.
- Riedel, S.M., Epstein, H.E., Walker, D.A. 2005. Biotic controls over spectral reflectance of arctic tundra vegetation. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 26(11):2391-2405. PDF. doi:10.1080/01431160512331337754.
- Riedel, S.M., Epstein, H.E., Walker, D.A., Richardson, D.L., Calef, M.P., Edwards, E., Moody, A. 2005. Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of vegetation properties among four tundra plant communities at Ivotuk, Alaska, USA. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 37(1):25-33. PDF. doi:10.1657/1523-0430(2005)037[0025:SATHOV]2.0.CO;2.
- Sappington, N. 2005. ESRI Map Book, Volume 20. ESRI Press. Redlands, CA. 20 (20). 120 . PDF - ESRI Map Book, Volume 20: Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation
- Shippert, M.M., D.A. Walker, N.A. Auerbach, B.E. Lewis 1994. Regional biomass and leaf-area estimates derived from satellite imagery as inputs to spatial trace-gas models for arctic tundra. Annual Ecological Society of America (ESA) Meeting: science and public policy. 75:(2):211.
- Shippert, M.M., Walker, D.A., Auerbach, N.A., Lewis, B.E. 1995. Biomass and leaf-area index maps derived from SPOT images for Toolik Lake and Imnavait Creek areas, Alaska. Polar Record. 31(177):147-154. PDF. doi:10.1017/S0032247400013644.
- Stow, D., Hope, A., Boynton, W., Phinn, S., Walker, D., Auerbach, N. 1998. Satellite-derived vegetation index and cover type maps for estimating carbon dioxide flux for Arctic tundra regions. Geomorphology. 21:313-327. PDF. doi:10.1016/S0169-555X(97)00071-8.
- Stow, D.A., Hope, A., D., M., Verbyla, D., Gamon, J., Huemmrich, F., Houston, S., Racine, C., Sturm, M., Tape, K., Hinzman, L., Yoshikawa, K., Tweedie, C., Noyle, B., Silapaswan, C., Douglas, D., Griffith, B., Jia, G., Epstein, H., Walker, D., Daeschner, S., Petersen, A., Zhou, L., Myneni, R. 2004. Remote sensing of vegetation and land-cover change in arctic tundra ecosystems. Remote Sensing of Environment. 89:281-308. PDF. doi:10.1016/j.rse.2003.10.018.
- Vonlanthen, C.M., Walker, D.A., Raynolds, M.K., Kade, A., Kuss, H.P., Daniëls, F.J.A., Matveyeva, N.V. 2008. Patterned-ground plant communities along a bioclimate gradient in the High Arctic, Canada. Phytocoenologia. 38:23-63. PDF. doi:10.1127/0340-269X/2008/0038-0023.
- Walker, D.A. 2007. The Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map, the Alaska Arctic Tundra Vegetation Map, and the Arctic Geobotanical Atlas. Proceedings of the Fourth International CAFF Flora Group Workshop. 15:60-62. PDF
- Walker, D.A. 2000. Hierarchical subdivision of arctic tundra based on vegetation response to climate, parent material, and topography. Global Change Biology. 6(S1):19-34. PDF. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2486.2000.06010.x.
- Walker, D.A. 1999. An integrated vegetation mapping approach for northern Alaska (1:4 M scale). International Journal of Remote Sensing. 20(15-16):2895-2920. PDF. doi:10.1080/014311699211534.
- Walker, D.A. 1995. Toward a new circumpolar arctic vegetation map: St. Petersburg workshop. Arctic and Alpine Research. 31:169-178.
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- Walker, D.A. 1980. Haul road mapping. Vegetation mapping and response to disturbances in northern Alaska. pp. 72.
- Walker, D.A. and Walker, M.D. 1996. Terrain and vegetation of the Imnavait Creek Watershed. Landscape Function: Implications for Ecosystem Disturbance, a Case Study in Arctic Tundra. pp. 73-108. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Auerbach, N.A., Bockheim, J.G., Chapin, F.S., III, Eugster, W., King, J.Y., McFadden, J.P., Michaelson, G.J., Nelson, F.E., Oechel, W.C., Ping, C.L., Reeburg, W.S., Regli, S., Shiklomanov, N.I., Vourlitis, G.L. 1998. Energy and trace-gas fluxes across a soil pH boundary in the Arctic. Nature. 394:469-472. PDF. doi:10.1038/28839.
- Walker, D.A., Auerbach, N.A., Shippert, M.M. 1995. NDVI, biomass, and landscape evolution of glaciated terrain in northern Alaska. Polar Record. 31(177):169-178. PDF. doi:10.1017/S003224740001367X.
- Walker, D.A., Bay, C., Daniels, F.J.A., Einarsson, E., Elvebakk, A., Johansen, B.E., Kapitsa, A., Kholod, S.S., Murray, D.F., Talbot, S.S., Yurtsev, B.A., Zoltai, S.C. 1995. Toward a new arctic vegetation map: a review of existing maps. Journal of Vegetation Science. 6(3):427-436. PDF. doi:10.2307/3236242.
- Walker, D.A., Bhatt, U.S., Callaghan, T.V., Comiso, J.C., Epstein, H.E., Forbes, B.C., Gill, M., Gould, W.A., Henry, G.H.R., Jia, G.J., Kokelj, S.V., Lantz, T.C., Oberbauer, S.F., Pinzon, J.E., Raynolds, M.K., Shaver, G.R., Tucker, C.J., Tweedie, C.E., Webber, P.J. 2011. [The Arctic] Land: Vegetation [in "State of the Climate in 2010"]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 92:S150-S152. . doi:10.1175/1520-0477-92.6.S1.
- Walker, D.A., Bhatt, U.S., Callaghan, T.V., Comiso, J.C., Epstein, H.E., Forbes, B.C., Gill, M., Gould, W.A., Henry, G.H.R., Jia, G.J., Kokelj, S.V., Lantz, T.C., Oberbauer, S.F., Pinzon, J.E., Raynolds, M.K., Shaver, G.R., Tucker, C.J., Tweedie, C.E., Webber, P.J. 2011. Vegetation. Arctic Report Card 2011. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Bhatt, U.S., Comiso, J.C., Epstein, H.E., Gould, W.A., Henry, G.H.R., Jia, G.J., Kokelj, S.V., Lantz, T.C., Mercado-Diaz, J.A., Pinzon, J.E., Raynolds, M.K., Shaver, G.R., Tucker, C.J., Tweedie, C.E., Webber, P.J. 2010. [The Arctic] Land: Vegetation [in "State of the Climate in 2009"]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 91(7):S115-S116. PDF. doi:10.1175/BAMS-91-7-StateoftheClimate.
- Walker, D.A., Bhatt, U.S., Epstein, H.E., Bieniek, P.A., Comiso, J.C., Frost, G.V., Pinzon, J., Raynolds, M.K., Tucker, C.J. 2012. [The Arctic] Changing Arctic tundra vegetation biomass and greenness [in "State of the Climate in 2011"]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 93(7):S138-139. PDF. doi:10.1175/2012BAMSStateoftheClimate.1.
- Walker, D.A., Bhatt, U.S., Raynolds, M.K., Comiso, J.C., Epstein, H.E., Jia, G.J. 2009. [The Arctic] Land: Vegetation [in "State of the Climate in 2008"]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 90(8):S104-S105. PDF. doi:10.1175/BAMS-90-8-StateoftheClimate.
- Walker, D.A., Bhatt, U.S., Raynolds, M.K., Comiso, J.C., Epstein, H.E., Jia, G.J., Pinzon, J.E., Tucker, C.J. 2009. Vegetation. Arctic Report Card 2008. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Binnian, E., Evans, B.M., Lederer, N.D., Nordstrand, E., Webber, P.J. 1989. Terrain, vegetation and landscape evolution of the R4D research site, Brooks Range Foothills, Alaska. Holarctic Ecology. 12:(3):238-261. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Bockheim, J.G., Chapin, F.S., III, Eugster, W., Nelson, F.E., Ping, C.L. 2001. Calcium-rich tundra, wildlife, and ''the Mammoth Steppe''. Quaternary Science Reviews. 20:149-163. PDF. doi:10.1016/S0277-3791(00)00126-8.
- Walker, D.A., Elvebakk, A., Talbot, S.S., Daniels, F.J.A. 2005. The Second International Workshop on Circumpolar Vegetation Classification and Mapping: a tribute to Boris A. Yurtsev. Phytocoenologia. 35:715-725. PDF. doi:10.1127/0340-269X/2005/0035-0715.
- Walker, D.A., Epstein, H.E., Gould, W.A., Kelley, A.M., Kade, A.N., Knudson, J.A., Krantz, W.B., Michaleson, G., Peterson, R.A., Ping, C.L., Raynolds, M.K., Romanovsky, V.E., Shur, Y.L. 2004. Frost-boil ecosystems: complex interactions between landforms, soils, vegetation, and climate. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 15(2):171-188. PDF. doi:10.1002/ppp.487.
- Walker, D.A., Epstein, H.E., Jia, J.G., Balser, A.W., Copass, C., Edwards, E.J., Gould, W.A., Hollingsworth, J., Knudson, J., Maier, H.A., Moody, A., Raynolds, M.K. 2003. Phytomass, LAI, and NDVI in northern Alaska: Relationships to summer warmth, soil pH, plant functional types, and extrapolation to the circumpolar Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres. 108(d2):8169. PDF. doi:10.1029/2001JD000986.
- Walker, D.A., Epstein, H.E., Raynolds, M.K., Kuss, P., Kopecky, M.A., Frost, G.V., Daniëls, F.J.A., Leibman, M.O., Moskalenko, N.G., Matyshak, G.V., Khitun, O.V., Khomutov, A.V., Forbes, B.C., Bhatt, U.S., Kade, A.N., Vonlanthen, C.M., Tichy, L. 2012. Environment, vegetation and greenness (NDVI) along the North America and Eurasia Arctic transects. Environmental Research Letters. 7(1). PDF. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/7/1/015504.
- Walker, D.A., Epstein, H.E., Romanovsky, V.E., Ping, C.L., Michaelson, G.J., Daanen, R.P., Shur, Y., Peterson, R.A., Krantz, W.B., Raynolds, M.K., Gould, W.A., Gonzalez, G., Nicolsky, D.J., Vonlanthen, C.M., Kade, A.N., Kuss, P., Kelley, A.M., Munger, C.A., Tarnocai, C.T., Matveyeva, N.V., Daniëls, F.J.A. 2008. Arctic patterned-ground ecosystems: A synthesis of field studies and models along a North American Arctic Transect. Journal of Geophysical Research - Biogeosciences. 113:G03S01. PDF. doi:10.1029/2007JG000504.
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- Walker, D.A., Gould, W.A., Maier, H.A., Raynolds, M.K. 2002. The Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map: AVHRR-derived base maps, environmental controls, and integrated mapping procedures. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 23(21):4551-4570. PDF. doi:10.1080/01431160110113854.
- Walker, D.A., Jia, G.J., Epstein, H.E., Raynolds, M.K., Chapin , F.S., III, Copass, C.D., Hinzman, L.D., Knudson, J.A., Maier, H.A., Michaelson, G.J., Nelson, F., Ping, C.L., Romanovsky, V.E., Shiklomanov, N. 2003. Vegetation-soil-thaw-depth relationships along a low-arctic bioclimate gradient, Alaska: synthesis of information from the ATLAS studies. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. 14(2):103-123. PDF. doi:10.1002/ppp.452.
- Walker, D.A., Kuss, H.P., Epstein, H.E., Kade, A.N., Vonlanthen, C., Raynolds, M.K., Daniëls, F.J.A. 2011. Vegetation of zonal patterned-ground ecosystems along the North American Arctic Transect. Applied Vegetation Science. 14:440-463. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Lederer, N.D., Walker, M.D., Binnian, E., Everett, K.R., Nordstrand, E., Webber, P.J. 1989. Impacts of petroleum development in the Arctic: Response. Science. 245:764-765. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Leibman, M.O., Epstein, H.E., Forbes, B.C., Bhatt, U.S., Raynolds, M.K., Comiso, J., Gubarkov, A.A., Khomutov, A.V., Jia, G.J., Kaarlejärvi, E., Kaplan, J.O., Kumpula, T., Kuss, H.P., Matyshak, G., Moskalenko, N.G., Orechov, P., Romanovsky, V.E., Ukraientseva, N.K., Yu, Q. 2009. Spatial and temporal patterns of greenness on the Yamal Peninsula, Russia: interactions of ecological and social factors affecting the Arctic normalized difference vegetation index. Environmental Research Letters. 4:16. PDF. doi:10.1088/1748-9326/4/4/045004.
- Walker, D.A., Raynolds, M.K., Daniëls, F.J.A., Einarsson, E., Elvebakk, A., Gould, W.A., Katenin, A.E., Kholod, S.S., Markon, C.J., Melnikov, E.S., N.G., M., Talbot, S.S., Yurtsev, B.A., CAVM Team 2005. The Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map. Journal of Vegetation Science. 16(3):267-282. PDF. doi:10.1658/1100-9233(2005)016[0267:TCAVM]2.0.CO;2.
- Walker, D.A., Raynolds, M.K., Gould, W.A. 2008. Fred Daniëls, Subzone A, and the North American Arctic Transect. Abhandlungen aus dem Westfälischen Museum für Naturkunde. 70:(3/4):387-400. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Raynolds, M.K., Maier, H.A., Barbour, E.M., Neufeld, G.P. 2010. Circumpolar geobotanical mapping: a web-based plant-to-planet approach for vegetation-change analysis in the Arctic. Viten. 1:125-128. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Talbot, S.S. 1997. Toward a new circumpolar arctic vegetation map. Arctic Research of the United States. 11:80-81.
- Walker, D.A., Walker, M.D., Gould, W.A., Mercado, J., Auerbach, N.A., Maier, H.A., Neufeld, G.P. 2010. Maps for monitoring changes to vegetation structure and composition: The Toolik and Imnavait Creek grid plots. Viten. 1:121-123. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Webber, P.J., Binnian, E.F., Everett, K.R., Lederer, N.D., Nordstrand, E.A., Walker, M.D. 1987. Cumulative Impacts of Oil Fields on Northern Alaskan Landscapes. Science. 238:(4828):757-761. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Webber, P.J., Walker, M.D., Lederer, N.D., Meehan, R.H., Nordstrand, E.A. 1986. Use of geobotanical maps and automated mapping techniques to examine cumulative impacts in the Prudhoe Bay Oilfield, Alaska. Environmental Conservation. 13(2):149-160. PDF. doi:10.1017/S0376892900036754.
- Webber, P.J., Walker, D.A. 1975. Vegetation and landscape analysis at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska: a vegetation map of the Tundra Biome study area. Ecological investigations of the Tundra Biome in the Prudhoe Bay region, Alaska. pp. 81-91. PDF
- Webber, P.J., Walker, D.A., Rowley, F. 1975. Gradient analysis of plant growth forms. J. Brown (eds.) Ecological and limnological reconnaissances from Prudhoe Bay into the Brooks Range, Alaska. pp. 31-35. PDF
- van Bogaert, R., Walker, D.A., Jia, G.J., Grau, O., Hallinger, M., De Dapper, M., Jonasson, C. and Callaghan, T.V. 2007. Recent changes in vegetation. Arctic Report Card 2007. PDF
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Talks and Posters
- Auerbach, N.A., Walker, D.A. 1996. An electronic hierarchic geobotanical atlas for arctic system science. Purchase proceedings, presented at Second Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Mapping Workshop and The CAVM-North American Workshop. Arendal, Norway, and Anchorage, AK, 19-24 May 1996/14-16 January 1997. Occasional Paper No. 52:26-27. PDF
- Barbour, E.M., Walker, D.A., Maier, H.A., Balser, A.W., Grimes, J.P., Heinrichs, T.A., Nolan, M., Prokein, P., Pylant, C.L., Raynolds, M.K., Rogan, L.M., Sharpton, V.L., Stahlke, D.L., Vockeroth, S.G. 2006. Arctic Geobotanical Atlas. Arctic Science Conference, Arctic AAAS Division Meeting. Fairbanks, AK October 2-4. PDF
- Gould, W.A., Raynolds, M.K., Walker, D.A., Edlund, S.A. 2001. Canadian Arctic vegetation and ecosystem properties. Fourth International Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Mapping Workshop. Moscow, Russia April 10-13. PDF
- Maier, H.A., Walker, D.A., Barbour, E.M., Balser, A.W., Grimes, J.P., Heinrichs, T.A., Nolan, M., Prokein, P., Pylant, C.L., Raynolds, M.K., Rogan, L.M., Sharpton, V.L., Stahlke, D.L., Vockeroth, S.G. 2006. Arctic Geobotanical Atlas. 26th Annual ESRI International User Conference. San Diego, CA August 7-12. PDF
- Munger, C.A., Walker, D.A., Maier, H.A., Hamilton, T.D. 2008. Spatial analysis of glacial geology, surficial geomorphology, and vegetation in the Toolik Lake region: Relevance to past and future land-cover changes. Ninth International Conference on Permafrost. Fairbanks, AK June 29 - July 3. 2:1255-1260. PDF
- Raynolds, M.K., Ananjeva, G.V., Drozdov, D.S., Daniëls, F.J.A., Einarsson, E., Elvebakk, A., Gould, W.A., Katenin, A.E., Kholod, S.S., Korostelev, Y.V., Maier, H.A., Markon, C.J., Moskalenko, N., Talbot, S.S., Walker, D.A. 2002. Second Draft of the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map. ARCSS All-Hands Workshop. Seattle, WA February 20.
- Raynolds, M.K., Walker, D.A., Gould, W.A., Markon, C.J. 2001. Synthesis of Alaska and Canada. Fourth International Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Mapping Workshop. Moscow, Russia April 10-13. PDF
- Walker, D.A. 2007. A Hierarchic Geobotanical Atlas. 41st Alaska Surveying and Mapping Conference. Fairbanks, AK 19-23 March. PDF
- Walker, D.A. 2001. Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map: Plan for Synthesis. unknown. unknown . PDF
- Walker, D.A. 2001. Welcome, history, progress, and future of the CAVM. Fourth International Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Mapping Workshop. Moscow, Russia April 10-13. PDF
- Walker, D.A. 1994. Information: Toward a new arctic vegetation map: St. Petersburg workshop. Arctic and Alpine Research. 27:103-104. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Barbour, E.M., Maier, H.A. 2008. A Web-based Arctic Geobotanical Atlas and a New Hierarchy of Maps of the Toolik Lake Region, Alaska. Ninth International Conference on Permafrost. Fairbanks, AK, June 29 - July 3. 2:1893-1898. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Burian, J.C., Epstein, H.E., Gould, W.A., Jia, G.J., Maier, H.A., Raynolds, M.K. 2001. Controls on Arctic NDVI Patterns: a Zonal Analysis. B22C-0176, presented at AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA, December 10-14. 82:B22C-0176.
- Walker, D.A., Epstein, H.E., Kuss, P., Michaelson, G., Ping, C.L., Raynolds, M.K., Romanovsky, V.E., Tarnocai, C.T. 2004. Interactions of multiple factors for patterned-ground features across the Arctic bioclimate gradient. C12A-07, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13-17. 85:F424. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Maier, H.A., Barbour, E.M., Balser, A.W., Grimes, J.P., Heinrichs, T.A., Nolan, M., Prokein, P., Pylant, C.L., Raynolds, M.K., Rogan, L.M., Sharpton, V.L., Stahlke, D.L., Vockeroth, S.G. 2007. Legacy IPY Hierarchic GIS Database for the Arctic Observatory at Toolik Lake. 41st Alaska Surveying and Mapping Conference. Westmark Hotel, Fairbanks, AK 19-23 March. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Raynolds, M.K., Maier, H.A. 2003. The Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map: A tool for analysis of change in permafrost regions. C11E-05, presented at AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 8 - 12. 84:C11E-05.
- Walker, D.A., Raynolds, M.K., Maier, H.A., Barbour, E.M., Neufeld, G.P. 2010. Circumpolar geobotanical mapping: a web-based plant-to-planet approach for vegetation-change analysis in the Arctic. Mapping and Monitoring of Nordic Vegetation and Landscapes Conference. Hveragerði, Iceland 16-18 September. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Raynolds, M.K., Maier, H.A., Murray, D.F., Markon, C.J., Talbot, S.S., Gould, W.A., Bliss, L.C., Edlund, S.A., Zoltai, S.C., Daniels, F.J.A., Wilhelm, M., Bay, C., Einarsson, E., Gundjonsson, G., Moskalenko, N.G., Ananjeva, G.V., Drozdov, D.S., Konchenko, L.A., Korostelev, Y.V., Melnikov, E., Ponomareva, O.E., Katenin, A.E., Kholod, S.S., Matveyeva, N.V., Safranova, I.N., Shelkunova, R., Yurtsev, B.A., Polezhaev, A.N., Elvebakk, A., Johansen, B.E., Trahan, N.G., Charron, T.M. 2002. Draft of the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map. 53rd Alaska Science Conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Arctic Division. Fairbanks, AK September 18-21. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Walker, M.D., Auerbach, N.A., Maier, H.A., Neufeld, G.P. 2009. Toolik Grid Plots: Baseline canopy height and species composition in 1990. Mapping and Monitoring of Nordic Vegetation and Landscapes. Hveragerdi, Iceland 16-18 September. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Walker, M.D., Gould, W.A., Mercado, J., Auerbach, N.A., Maier, H.A., Neufeld, G.P. 2010. Maps for monitoring changes to vegetation structure and composition: The Toolik and Imnavait Creek grid plots. Mapping and Monitoring of Nordic Vegetation and Landscapes Conference. Hveragerði, Iceland 16-18 September. PDF
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- Gonzalez, G., Gould, W.A., Raynolds, M.K. 2000. 1999 Canadian transect for the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map. AGC Data Report. 89 pp.
- Markon, C.J., Walker, D.A. 1999. Proceedings of the Third International Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Mapping Workshop. USGS Open File Report No. 99-551. . 79. PDF
- Munger, C.A., Raynolds, M.K., Kade, A.N., Walker, D.A. 2005. Biocomplexity of Patterned Ground: Mould Bay Expedition. AGC Data Report. 62 pp. PDF
- Munger, C.A., Raynolds, M.K., Walker, D.A. 2004. July 2003 Banks Island Expedition: Vegetation, biomass, NDVI, soil, thaw layer, invertebrates, decomposition, biogeochemistry and turf-hummock studies. AGC Data Report. 72 pp. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Lillie, A.C. 1996. Proceedings of the Second Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Mapping Workshop and the CAVM-North American Workshop. Second Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Mapping Workshop and The CAVM-North American Workshop. 52. PDF
- Walker, D.A., Maier, H.A., Barbour, E.M., Raynolds, M.K. 2011. Final Report for A web-based multi-scale Arctic Geobotanical Atlas (AGA) for the Toolik Lake Field Station, Arctic Alaska, and the Circumpolar Region. AGC Final Report. 13 pp. PDF
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